Necessary amount of income on different subsistence level by age group and educational attainment of reference person and by age structure of household members(2/2)

(thousand HUF/month/person)

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Subsisten ce level Age structure of household members
only young people only middle aged people only older people only young and middle aged people only young and older people only middle aged and older people young, middle aged and older people
Very limited 63.2 83.6 77.3 49.1 58.8 64.7 47.2
Limited 82.0 110.5 100.7 64.1 77.8 84.4 61.4
Average 110.3 149.0 133.6 84.8 104.1 111.6 80.2
Good 149.9 203.7 179.2 112.8 139.0 148.9 106.1
Very good 209.9 284.5 241.9 153.5 184.7 202.2 143.7
Very limited 64.4 90.0 85.4 51.2 59.1 67.8 49.8
Limited 84.1 122.5 113.7 67.7 77.2 89.8 66.4
Average 113.3 167.6 151.2 90.4 103.5 121.2 88.1
Good 154.8 229.8 201.9 120.3 135.5 162.7 117.2
Very good 214.6 329.6 278.2 168.1 179.2 226.9 161.7
Very limited 69.1 89.9 85.7 52.3 58.5 69.4 53.0
Limited 93.1 120.0 111.6 68.5 76.9 90.7 67.7
Average 129.4 166.0 150.5 94.8 105.8 123.7 90.6
Good 180.7 233.4 203.9 128.8 143.2 169.6 122.8
Very good 249.8 346.0 285.5 186.5 193.3 237.2 170.8
Very limited 73.9 95.1 86.6 54.2 57.8 69.7 54.2
Limited 99.5 125.4 112.7 70.4 75.5 91.4 70.7
Average 145.9 177.5 153.8 97.3 107.7 128.1 95.5
Good 203.7 255.0 214.0 134.7 158.4 175.8 129.2
Very good 308.1 407.7 306.8 204.6 256.1 248.3 190.7
Very limited 79.2 104.0 94.9 59.2 66.3 72.8 53.4
Limited 106.0 136.7 124.2 77.7 87.3 95.9 69.3
Average 148.4 189.7 166.7 105.8 123.0 133.4 95.5
Good 208.6 268.7 226.5 143.3 157.0 182.3 129.8
Very good 295.0 406.4 320.3 208.2 217.9 255.5 182.0
Very limited 76.7 106.1 96.4 61.6 67.8 77.4 56.2
Limited 100.1 141.6 126.0 80.5 93.0 102.3 72.4
Average 139.8 197.8 172.1 111.2 126.3 141.4 100.7
Good 195.8 277.4 237.0 152.2 169.5 193.8 136.0
Very good 285.0 474.6 343.3 218.8 244.0 305.1 184.6
Preliminary data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011