People aged 15–34 by the level of studies started after obtaining the highest level of education*(1/2)

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Denomination The respondent started Total
studies to obtain qualifications of a vocational or apprentice school studies to obtain qualifications of a school ending with G.C.E. vocational education based on G.C.E. higher vocational education Bachelor's or equivalent level (BA/BSc) Master's or equivalent level (MA/MSc) Doctoral (PhD-, DLA-) training
Total 63 057 28 140 25 257 8 769 34 016 13 931 1 348 174 517
Male 40 852 13 362 9 505 3 055 18 497 7 638 739 93 648
Female 22 205 14 778 15 752 5 714 15 519 6 293 609 80 870
Age group
15–19 7 367 2 869 914 11 151
20–24 17 360 10 481 8 186 1 803 3 656 1 127 42 614
25–29 19 033 7 008 8 785 3 753 13 100 5 884 650 58 212
30–34 19 297 7 781 8 286 3 212 16 345 6 920 698 62 540
Educational attainment
At most 8 grades of primary school 39 999 16 139 259 56 396
Vocational school, apprentice school 10 851 7 373 18 224
Secondary general school 3 488 776 8 975 2 790 16 935 2 697 35 660
Secondary vocational school 8 066 3 382 11 312 2 319 10 103 1 376 36 559
College, university, PhD, DLA 653 470 4 712 3 659 6 978 9 858 1 348 27 678
Economic activity
Employed 38 471 18 590 19 836 7 053 27 531 11 644 1 348 124 473
Unemployed 12 094 2 148 3 049 2 921 597 20 809
Inactive 12 492 7 402 2 372 1 716 3 564 1 690 29 235
Region of residence
Central Hungary 9 988 7 654 8 257 3 471 10 841 5 171 45 382
Central Transdanubia 3 570 1 671 1 729 1 400 1 997 1 407 322 12 096
Western Transdanubia 3 995 1 179 1 253 1 084 2 151 237 9 900
Southern Transdanubia 7 800 2 353 4 028 1 097 4 393 2 599 22 270
Northern Hungary 10 119 4 894 3 902 65 4 348 700 446 24 473
Northern Great Plain 18 387 4 860 2 688 781 6 401 2 416 580 36 112
Southern Great Plain 9 198 5 529 3 400 871 3 884 1 402 24 284
The administrative classification of residence
Town 25 592 12 101 13 088 4 535 18 257 7 611 1 099 82 284
Village 29 524 10 665 7 281 1 823 7 658 2 864 249 60 064
Budapest 7 940 5 374 4 887 2 411 8 101 3 456 32 169
*Source: Labour Force Survey, supplementary questionnaire Quarter 2, 2016 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011