9.16.3. Labour market characteristics of not employed aged 19–64 with and without disability(1/2)


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Characteristics Quarter 2, 2017 Quarter 2, 2018
With disability Without disability Population With disability Without disability Population
Number of not employed 432 886 1 243 628 1 676 515 391 835 1 191 546 1 583 380
Existence of regular job/business earlier
Had regular job/business earlier, but it is already terminated 377 974 715 251 1 093 226 341 417 659 664 1 001 081
Never had regular work 54 831 401 855 456 686 50 127 394 793 444 920
Reason for leaving previous workplace
Person lost his/her job 34 900 165 039 199 939 26 501 140 654 167 155
Quitted job 4 737 39 521 44 259 3 837 45 422 49 259
Seasonal work terminated 2 887 20 430 23 317 2 615 19 201 21 816
Takes care of other person or child who needs care, family responsibilities 7 092 94 336 101 428 7 245 95 969 103 214
Due to illness 139 302 9 552 148 854 143 966 14 820 158 786
Retirement 40 376 279 046 319 422 37 274 250 996 288 270
Disability retirement or disability benefit 131 851 11 825 143 677 105 834 8 785 114 619
Own business terminated 2 174 11 953 14 127 730 7 577 8 306
Public work has ended 11 515 65 127 76 641 11 885 51 242 63 128
Other 3 139 18 423 21 562 1 529 24 997 26 527
Reason for not seeking employment
Thought that he/she couldn't find a job 5 321 52 315 57 635 6 664 46 915 53 579
Health problems 318 898 10 548 329 446 287 528 10 172 297 700
Family responsibilities 7 192 300 731 307 923 6 545 301 853 308 398
Retirement 66 640 294 870 361 510 62 060 266 930 328 991
Other 6 069 348 811 354 879 4 536 347 189 351 725
Person does not want to undertake employment 6 373 59 496 65 869 8 537 64 220 72 757
Status in last employment
Employee 147 472 665 473 812 944 129 422 627 466 756 888
Not employee 10 151 36 585 46 736 8 882 29 058 37 940
Economic activity of last employer by industries
A – Agriculture 8 901 23 395 32 296 8 612 23 345 31 957
B–F – Industry 57 937 175 782 233 718 45 947 175 637 221 584
G–N – Market services 43 770 238 207 281 978 41 027 222 526 263 553
O–U – Public service 47 014 264 673 311 687 42 719 235 015 277 733
Major occupational group in last employment – HSCO'08
HSCO 1 2 174 22 074 24 248 3 167 21 322 24 488
HSCO 2 7 160 76 160 83 321 5 466 78 555 84 021
HSCO 3 14 004 111 680 125 685 10 990 97 211 108 202
HSCO 4 8 293 68 229 76 521 6 778 62 549 69 327
HCSO 1–4 Non-manual workers 31 631 278 143 309 775 26 401 259 637 286 037
HSCO 5 19 311 119 680 138 991 19 214 116 255 135 469
HSCO 6 6 428 10 461 16 889 3 846 12 780 16 626
HSCO 7 29 078 59 303 88 380 27 237 57 364 84 601
HSCO 8 30 457 80 012 110 468 21 579 79 204 100 783
HSCO 9 40 718 152 955 193 673 39 851 130 027 169 878
HCSO 5–9 Manuel workers 125 991 422 410 548 401 111 727 395 630 507 357
HSCO 0 – Armed forces

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011