9.8.7. Members of partnerships and self-employed persons by the main difficulties they faced in the last 12 months,
quarter 2, 2017(2/2)

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Denomination Persons who had difficulties in the last 12 months, i.e. Did not have difficulties Total number of members of partnerships and self-employed persons
had too much work to do / too many contracts other difficulties total
Total 19 856 16 735 264 559 159 470 424 029
Of which:
Male 15 482 10 443 180 799 93 705 274 504
Female 4 374 6 292 83 760 65 765 149 525
15–24 147 5 370 4 746 10 115
25–39 4 729 4 001 62 987 43 722 106 708
40–54 10 129 5 783 121 775 64 954 186 730
55–74 4 851 6 952 74 427 46 048 120 475
educational attainment
Primary school 257 1 638 16 350 5 192 21 541
Secondary school
with professional qualification 10 592 7 128 143 012 73 610 216 623
without professional qualification 759 1 225 33 585 22 814 56 398
College, university, PhD, DLA 8 248 6 744 71 613 57 854 129 467
type of settlement
Budapest 7 033 4 912 62 170 33 346 95 514
Town with county rights 2 722 2 227 50 455 32 026 82 480
Other town 6 541 4 246 74 242 51 333 125 574
Village 3 560 5 351 77 694 42 766 120 461
type of workplace
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 648 6 539 45 951 12 957 58 908
B–F Industry 7 539 2 303 61 627 32 033 93 658
G–U Services 11 670 7 893 156 983 114 480 271 463
Non-manual workers 10 644 5 656 92 170 80 075 172 245
Manual workersa 9 212 11 079 172 389 79 395 251 785
status in employment
Member of partnership 9 285 4 403 87 192 60 312 147 504
Self-employed 10 571 12 332 177 368 99 158 276 525
Member of partnership and self-employed together 19 856 16 735 264 560 159 470 424 029
Of which:
with employees 12 987 5 985 120 761 79 398 200 158
without employees 6 869 10 750 143 800 80 072 223 871
aIncluding armed forces. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011