9.8.16. Employees who would rather work as self-employed by the reason of why not choosing it, quarter 2, 2017

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Labels Financial insecurity Lack of finance to start and maintain the business To run a business involves too much stress, responsibility, risks Other reason or cannot say or does not want to answer Total number of employees who would rather work as self-employed
Total 87 162 207 646 24 743 24 480 344 031
Of which:
Male 56 760 141 030 16 340 14 190 228 320
Female 30 403 66 616 8 402 10 290 115 711
15–24 7 568 27 262 1 652 2 579 39 061
25–39 38 774 96 684 11 436 10 019 156 912
40–54 35 732 69 329 8 791 8 438 122 289
55–74 5 089 14 370 2 865 3 445 25 769
educational attainment
Primary school 11 148 29 631 2 922 2 893 46 594
Secondary school
with professional qualification 49 231 126 050 13 639 7 617 196 537
without professional qualification 11 289 22 186 3 449 3 720 40 644
College, university, PhD, DLA 15 494 29 779 4 733 10 250 60 256
type of settlement
Budapest 15 170 41 787 3 316 8 342 68 615
Town with county rights 17 454 43 231 5 052 3 341 69 077
Other town 23 210 55 165 5 860 6 973 91 208
Village 31 328 67 463 10 515 5 825 115 131
type of workplace
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 3 400 10 043 1 499 902 15 845
B–F Industry 35 908 81 917 6 949 5 164 129 937
G–U Services 47 854 115 685 16 295 18 415 198 249
Non-manual workers 26 066 60 840 9 771 14 251 110 929
Manual workersa 61 096 146 805 14 972 10 229 233 103
aIncluding armed forces. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011