Published on: 8 November 2023

The surplus of the external trade in goods amounted to EUR 1.3 billion, the level of the external trade turnover increased by 13% on the export side, and grew by 8.1% on the import one, month-on-month

The value of export declined by 5.1%, and that of import was 19% lower in EUR terms in September 2023 than in the same period of the previous year. The balance of the external trade in goods improved by EUR 2.1 billion. Compared to the previous month, the level of export in goods increased by 13%, their import was 8.1% higher.

In September 2023:

The value of exports amounted to EUR 12.8 billion (HUF 4,930 billion), that of imports to EUR 11.5 billion (HUF 4,442 billion).

The surplus of the external trade in goods was EUR 1.3 billion (HUF 488 billion).

The share of the EU Member States (EU27_2020) was 76% in exports and 69% in imports.

In September 2023 compared to a year earlier:

The value of export decreased by 5.1%, that of import lessened by 19% in EUR terms.

External trade in goods

Denomination Export Import Balance
value, at current prices same period of the previous year = 100.0% value, at current prices same period of the previous year = 100.0% value, at current prices change compared to the same period of the previous year
September 2023
Billion HUF4 930 90.4 4 442 76.7 488 826
Million EUR12 756 94.9 11 493 80.6 1 263 2 075
January–September 2023
Billion HUF43 118 106.6 40 557 94.4 2 560 5 078
Million EUR112 756 107.1 105 906 94.8 6 849 13 316