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Press release on changes in consumer price index calculations, 16/12/2024

In line with international methodological standards and following legal requirements, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) is going to introduce changes in consumer price index calculations, starting with infra-annual data releases in 2025. The change is related on the one hand to the calculation of Eurostat’s new household energy price index, published in June 2024, which affects the harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP). On the other hand, the new COICOP nomenclature will be applied instead of the former COICOP structure in consumer price statistics from 2025 – also in accordance with a Eurostat recommendation.

In line with international methodological standards and following legal requirements, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) is going to introduce changes in consumer price index calculations, starting with infra-annual data releases in 2025.

Eurostat’s new methodological recommendation on the calculation of the household energy price index, published in June 2024, affects HCSO’s calculation of the harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP). Taking into consideration the guidelines worded in the recommendation, the methodology of the calculation of household energy within the harmonised index of consumer prices will be modified at the beginning of 2025. In the calculation of the harmonised consumer price indices for natural and manufactured gas and electricity, the different tariff rates will be fixed within a calendar year from January 2025. In addition to the persistence of the current legislation on the consumer price of household energy, the average consumer prices of natural and manufactured gas and electricity will be modified annually. The change will not affect the methodology of domestic consumer price index (CPI) calculations.

Besides, the range of observed products and services (i.e. representative items), as well as the weight of the different groups of products and services within the consumer price index will be modified, in accordance with the earlier practice.

From 2025, the new nomenclature of COICOP (classification of individual consumption by purpose) is to be applied instead of the former COICOP structure in consumer price statistics from 2025, in accordance with a Eurostat recommendation. Accordingly, the Office will publish domestic consumer price indices according to the new COICOP nomenclature as well. Having user needs in sight, consumer price indices will be produced according to the former COICOP structure, too, in the first year (in 2025).

To present the state of and trends in the economy, the society and the environment with statistical data is a task laid down in law for the Hungarian Central Statistical Office. HCSO is devoted to provide unbiased and transparent information to users. Statistical data published by the Office are comparable in a transparent way in both international and domestic terms, so are suitable for being independent points of reference.


Hungarian Central Statistical Office

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