Statistical quiz – week 10

correct answers

1. How many statistical regions are there in Hungary?

2. In 2009 there were 662 museums in Hungary. How many admissions were registered to these institutions?

3. How many microwave ovens were there in Hungary in 2008 per one hundred households?

4. There were 243,777 general secondary school students in Hungary in the school-year 2008/2009. How many of them were full-time students?

5. The head of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) was called director in the beginnings. Who was the first that headed HCSO as president?

6. Which has been the driest year in Hungary?

7. When did Franz Joseph I sign the deed of foundation of the Hungarian National Statistical Office?

8. When did Hungary submit its application for accession to the EU?

9. At what intervals are European Parliamentary elections held?

10. When will Hungary be the president of the EU?

11. In which area of work can municipalities make use of territorial data deriving from population censuses?

12. What sub-city data are included nowadays in the detailed gazetteer of the Republic of Hungary?

13. How tourist arrivals at the Lake Balaton resort area changed in July and August 2009 compared to the same months of 2008?

+1. The ageing index of EU countries is 108.3. What is this value for the euro-zone? [The ageing index is the number of old-age population per one hundred child-age population.]?