Statistical quiz – week 12

correct answers

1. Who was the President of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office at the time of adoption of Act XIX of 1929 (Act on Statistics)?

2. Who was the first Hungarian scholar to make urban development calculations, using in a complex manner several statistical data describing settlements?

3. Where is Thirring-körút (boulevard), named after Gusztáv Thirring, the famous Hungarian statistician and tourist?

4. Until 2008, 4083 protected caves were registered in Hungary. How many of these were highly protected?

5. What were the monthly average net earnings of employees in the national economy of Hungary in 2009?

6. Which of the below regions was the destination of the least overnight domestic trips in 2009?

7. Which of the below types of retail shops was the most numerous in Hungary in 2008?

8. Which micro-region had the highest personal income tax base per permanent population in 2007?

9. In which region was there the highest number of underdeveloped settlements according to trial calculations of HCSO in 2009?

10. According to Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 NUTS 2 regions shall lie within what population thresholds?

11. How many cities of the EU-27 countries participate at present in the Urban Audit survey programme?

12. What is the sum of euro coins?

13. According to the taxonomic classification in which of the following classes live the most of the protected species in Hungary?

+1. Where does the term "statistics" come from?