Published on: 30 July 2018

More new build homes and a decline in construction sentiment

In the first half of 2018, 6,517 new dwellings were built, 30% more than a year earlier. Based on issued dwelling construction permits and simple declarations, the number of homes to be built fell by 8.9% to 18,066 compared to the first half of 2017.

In the first half of 2018, compared to the same period of the previous year:

30% more dwellings were built. Budapest and the villages showed an even larger 1.5-fold increase.

Dwelling construction saw no change in the even distribution between individuals and enterprises.

54% of dwellings built in new buildings were put to use in detached houses, 6.2% in residents’ parks and 36% in multi-dwelling buildings.

The average floor-area of homes put to use increased by 5 sq. m to 101 sq. m.

The total number of dwellings to be built based on issued dwelling construction permits and declarations decreased by an average of 8.9% to 18,066. Budapest saw a 27% fall, towns of county rank and villages a 3.5% drop, while other towns a 17% rise in the number of dwellings to be built. Builders used simple declarations in 42% of cases. This share was 7.1% in Budapest and grew higher moving towards lower level territorial units reaching 84% in villages.

Based on new construction permits (declarations), 1.8% less, i.e. a total of 6,717 residential buildings are planned to be built, while the number of permits issued for non-residential buildings decreased year-on-year by 16% to 2,033 units.

New dwelling construction permits and simple declarations, dwellings put to use and ceased

Territorial unit New dwelling construction permits issued (declarations) in the first half of the year Number of dwellings put to use in the first half of First half of 2018 as a percentage of the first half of 2017 Number of dwellings ceased to exist in the first half of
number first half of 2018 as a percentage of the first half of 2017
2017 2018 of which: simple declarations 2017 2018 2017 2018
Budapest8 3786 11943273.09811483151.2165117
Towns of county rank4 2604 111157596.515071686111.9236193
Other towns4 3825 1303 270117.115741 942123.4289229
Villages 2 8032 7062 28496.59421406149.3195116
Total19 82318 0667 56191.15 0046 517130.2885655

Methodological note: in accordance with Government Decree 456/2015. (XII. 29.) statistical data contain construction permits, simple declarations, put to use permits and official certificates concerning the put to use of buildings constructed on the basis of simple declaration.