2.4.4. Health insurance financing of curative-preventive care (2000–)*(2/2)

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Denomination 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Financed care, Million HUF
GPs’ and GPs’ emergency service 79 272 83 499 82 085 91 046 97 043 107 044 117 045 122 881 135 375 139 537
Health visitors service, mother, child and youth care 17 965 17 966 18 267 20 698 22 473 22 448 24 550 24 889 26 549 26 852
Dental care 22 644 23 470 22 447 24 446 26 242 25 947 27 946 35 531 32 069 37 354
Service of care centresb 4 556 4 572
Transport of patients and corpses on medical order 5 780 6 130 6 247 6 297 6 197 6 197 6 197 7 197 8 547 9 673
Ambulance servicec 22 469 25 343 25 471 26 000 29 238 29 471 30 255 37 121 43 765 44 214
Outpatient special care 118 462 123 053 127 795 125 252 126 887 133 823 136 446 162 247 177 676 196 296
CT, MRI 14 974 15 612 16 727 17 140 17 271 18 786 20 888 25 228 28 844 29 390
Kidney dialysis 22 932 22 935 23 171 23 171 23 171 23 171 23 171 23 171 23 921 25 471
Home special nursing 3 520 4 138 3 979 4 276 4 440 4 424 4 492 5 597 5 758 6 558
Inpatient care 440 058 446 588 479 518 475 350 514 010 520 128 556 507 673 617 730 615 771 631
Of which:
active inpatient cared 342 827 348 928 352 709 344 134 364 456 361 460 386 570 552 224 603 511 638 686
extra financing 18 254 421 468 500 500 3 450 1 004 905 1 001
task financed under special rulese 31 888 34 572 62 726 67 706 85 045 94 230 98 791 40 325 40 473 45 862
chronic care 65 325 62 835 63 663 63 043 64 009 63 938 67 696 80 064 85 726 86 082
Otherf 38 340 33 609 36 348 93 332 78 677 69 140 142 427 78 708 93 213 53 714
Total 790 973 806 917 842 054 907 008 945 649 960 579 1 089 925 1 196 188 1 306 331 1 340 690
Financing per capita, thousand HUF 79.1 81.0 84.9 91.7 95.8 97.6 111.1 122.2 133.6 137.2
*According to data of the financial payments effected in the calendar year (ledger data).  bFrom November 2011 the care in care centres is included in the financing fund of outpatient services.  cFrom 1998 to 2003 ambulance service was financed by the central budget.  dSince 2017 financing of high-value medicaments included.  eOperative treatments of great value, instruments falling under itemized account.  fAdvance payment for operation, relief; funds for pecuniary compensation, target statement of costs. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011