3.7.3. Central government expenditures (2005–)*(1/8)

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Revenues, balance 2005 2006
budget estimatesa completion as a % of 2004 as a % of budget estimates of 2005 budget estimates completion as a % of 2005 as a % of budget estimates of 2006
million HUF million HUF
Special and normative subsidies 113 230 113 107 101.3 99.9 95 265 124 027 109.7 130.2
Support to the public media 44 565 45 936 112.9 103.1 46 464 46 560 101.4 100.2
Consumer price subsidy
Housing subsidy 215 068 232 566 127.8 108.1 216 000 223 539 96.1 103.5
Family benefits 330 317 326 262 114.1 98.8 476 189 470 962 144.4 98.9
Provisions under age limit
Income supplement benefits 142 727 141 143 115.2 98.9 147 959 147 621 104.6 99.8
Other specific subsidies 25 000 25 733 120.6 102.9 25 250 27 404 106.5 108.5
Family benefits, social allowances 498 044 493 138 114.7 99.0 649 398 645 988 131.0 99.5
Central budgetary institutions and chapter-administered appropriations 2 979 332 3 334 984 120.9 111.9 3 281 343 3 903 034 117.0 118.9
Transfer to extrabudgetary funds 19 439 20 381 158.9 104.8 18 463 19 187 94.1 103.9
Guarantee and contribution to social security funds' expenditures 421 404 422 372 165.0 100.2 890 108 890 583 210.9 100.1
Transfer to local governmentsb 884 147 881 374 123.7 99.7 815 601 867 119 98.4 106.3
Subsidy for local governments' debt repayments
Transfer to local governments 1 324 990 1 324 126 135.0 99.9 1 724 172 1 776 889 134.2 103.1
Interest expendituresc 880 247 914 434 109.9 103.9 969 536 983 289 107.5 101.4
Transfer to social self-organizing units 3 738 3 738 101.7 100.0 5 086 5 092 136.2 100.1
Extraordinary government expenditures 28 021 34 272 105.6 122.3 36 409 66 631 194.4 183.0
Redeemed government guarantees 18 243 13 949 588.2 76.5 6 992 10 755 77.1 153.8
General reserve 51 950 37 890
Special reserve 23 100 5 000
Reserve for stabilityd
Reserve for extra governmental measures
National reserve
Reserves 75 050 42 890
Contribution to the EU-budget 210 000 186 644 176.6 88.9 217 000 185 612 99.4 85.5
Expenditures related to state property
Reserve for interest risks
Debt Assumption 181 004 181 227 627.6 100.1 419 959 419 959 231.7 100.0
Total expenditurese 6 696 365 7 003 392 124.8 104.6 7 844 853 8 517 337 121.6 108.6
*Source: Ministry for National Economy.  aBudget estimate modified by the Act.  bIncluding personal income tax ceded to local governments.  cUntil 2009 with debt service.  dUntil 2008 Central safety reserve.  eIncluding personal income tax ceded to local governments. Until 2009 including expenditures of international transactions and until 2012 consumer price subsidy. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011