3.7.3. Central government expenditures (2005–)*(2/8)

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Revenues, balance 2007 2008
budget estimates completion as a % of 2006 as a % of budget estimates of 2007 budget estimates completion as a % of 2007 as a % of budget estimates of 2008
million HUF million HUF
Special and normative subsidies 128 445 197 372 159.1 153.7 141 817 203 083 102.9 143.2
Support to the public media 52 242 52 244 112.2 100.0 53 413 51 280 98.2 96.0
Consumer price subsidy
Housing subsidy 225 432 228 471 102.2 101.3 190 737 185 575 81.2 97.3
Family benefits 506 270 508 147 107.9 100.4 507 220 502 972 99.0 99.2
Provisions under age limit
Income supplement benefits 152 520 151 682 102.8 99.5 159 725 156 623 103.3 98.1
Other specific subsidies 27 520 26 508 96.7 96.3 27 550 26 348 99.4 95.6
Family benefits, social allowances 686 310 686 337 106.2 100.0 694 495 685 943 99.9 98.8
Central budgetary institutions and chapter-administered appropriations 3 779 280 4 228 121 108.3 111.9 3 876 525 3 998 659 94.6 103.2
Transfer to extrabudgetary funds 27 876 27 938 145.6 100.2 32 427 32 820 117.5 101.2
Guarantee and contribution to social security funds' expenditures 778 037 777 766 87.3 100.0 841 260 835 049 107.4 99.3
Transfer to local governmentsb 835 558 860 327 99.2 103.0 1 348 636 1 421 716 165.3 105.4
Subsidy for local governments' debt repayments
Transfer to local governments 1 641 471 1 666 030 93.8 101.5 2 222 323 2 289 585 137.4 103.0
Interest expendituresc 1 112 656 1 006 065 102.3 90.4 1 110 839 1 154 101 114.7 103.9
Transfer to social self-organizing units 5 154 5 153 101.2 100.0 5 186 5 240 101.7 101.0
Extraordinary government expenditures 41 694 37 506 56.3 90.0 46 290 41 009 109.3 88.6
Redeemed government guarantees 16 422 10 319 96.0 62.8 19 311 17 148 166.2 88.8
General reserve 42 200 46 733
Special reserve 52 725 163 598
Reserve for stabilityd 45 000 20 000
Reserve for extra governmental measures
National reserve
Reserves 139 925 230 331
Contribution to the EU-budget 214 904 189 520 102.1 88.2 205 274 210 581 111.1 102.6
Expenditures related to state property 88 157 66 993 76.0
Reserve for interest risks
Debt Assumption 146 123 58 211 13.9 39.8 1 199 1 122 1.9 93.6
Total expenditurese 8 326 091 8 491 860 99.7 102.0 9 017 139 9 032 100 106.4 100.2
*Source: Ministry for National Economy.  bIncluding personal income tax ceded to local governments.  cUntil 2009 with debt service.  dUntil 2008 Central safety reserve.  eIncluding personal income tax ceded to local governments. Until 2009 including expenditures of international transactions and until 2012 consumer price subsidy. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011