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How do we take into consideration the opinion of our users?

It is a strategic goal of HCSO to develop of the tools designed for observing users’ expectations and satisfaction and build the gained information into the planning and decision-making processes. Therefore every feedback and opinion is equally important for us. Changes, developments made based on previous feedbacks and opinions are enlisted below:

You requested – we implemented

  • The results of the satisfaction survey conducted after the first HCSO Stat Academy course series in autumn 2023 have been taken into account when designing this year's course offerings, in order to ensure the best possible overlap between user expectations and the service provided. The strategic objective of the HCSO is to increase statistical literacy and data awareness.

  • Following the annual Stat Wars competitions organised by HCSO for secondary school students, we regularly seek feedback from participants on the competition process. The responses received are used from time to time to prepare and plan the next rounds of the competition. The strategic goal of the HCSO is to increase the statistical literacy of young people.

  • One of our users wrote an observation in the online opinion box requesting the Adoptions, adoptable children and adopters STADAT table to have three more indices. In accordance with this, the table has been extended with the requested three columns.

  • In Earnings statistics average gross earnings are considered to be the main indices. However, based on users’ feedback as well as in order to better describe labour market processes HCSO publishes median earnings, too. Furthermore, since 2019 – by using administrative data sources – we also have had data for enterprises with fewer than 5 employees, meaning that we publish data on earnings regarding the whole group of employers.

  • Based on users’ feedback and web analytics data, our users had difficulties in finding data related to road traffic accidents our website. We re-examined the topics and road traffic accidents have been moved from the Transport, traffic topic into the Health care, accidents one.

  • Following the introduction of official prices on certain products we started to publish on our website the prices of the products which are not observed within the consumer price survey.

  • The extent of the raise of pensions is determined by the pensioner consumer price index published by the HCSO. According to user feedback we have published this data, too, in the first release regarding consumer price indices since September 2020.

  • Due to the Covid19 pandemic, request for mortality data increased, as a consequence we started to publish the weekly mortality data.

  • In order to meet our users’ needs also regarding services – due to the unfavourable economic circumstances caused by the Covid19 pandemic – we made classification-related information services free of charge.