4.1.15. Production and use of main cereals (2015–)(8/8)

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Denomination Triticale
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Characteristics of production
Harvested area, hectare 127 258 115 866 94 342 87 565 83 906
Total harvested production, ton 502 308 480 425 373 812 328 664 338 344
Average yield, kilogram/hectarea 3 950 4 150 3 960 3 750 4 030
Average procurement price, HUF per ton 40 517 34 453 37 520 41 951 44 448
seed for sowing 70 439 84 615 91 883 60 895 70 647
for human consumption and for industrial purposes 68 797 38 424 43 063 52 641
fodder 40 303 34 378 37 330 41 836 77 073
Value of gross production, million HUF
at current prices 21 428 17 610 14 667 14 301 15 812
at constant pricesb 20 956 20 589 13 985 12 855 14 650
Consolidated balance sheet, tons
Initial stock 349 664 305 833 288 612 248 671 212 713
Total harvested production 502 308 480 425 373 812 328 664 338 344
Imports 1 336 312 327 188 457
Other sources
Total resource 853 308 786 570 662 751 577 523 551 514
Personal consumption
Industrial processing 7 070 5 884 3 070 4 409 4 718
Feed consumption 473 831 434 927 360 083 323 752 315 483
Seed consumption for sowing 29 343 23 590 22 857 21 664 20 500
Exports 33 020 29 916 25 759 13 118 8 483
Other consumption
Loss 4 211 3 641 2 310 1 868 2 194
Closing stock 305 833 288 612 248 671 212 713 200 136
Total use 853 308 786 570 662 751 577 523 551 514
Of which:
domestic food consumption 7 070 5 884 3 070 4 409 4 718
External trade
ton 1 336 312 327 188 457
million HUF 63 21 22 21 35
ton 33 020 29 916 25 759 13 118 8 483
million HUF 1 641 1 528 1 276 738 545
aSee Methodological notes.  bAt previous year's prices. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011