4.1.1. Economic accounts for agriculture, at current basic prices (1998–)(1/3)

(million HUF)

< >
Denomination 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Production account
Agricultural goods
crop output
cereals (including seeds)
wheat and spelt
soft wheat and spelt 74 353 55 442 101 232 111 290 96 059 93 949 158 126 122 768
durum wheat 866 871 1 346 1 533 1 354 833 1 915 1 159
total 75 219 56 313 102 578 112 823 97 412 94 782 160 040 123 927
rye and meslin 1 394 1 275 2 362 2 308 2 238 2 035 3 488 2 601
barley 15 965 17 978 25 415 28 671 25 879 23 381 38 657 30 876
oats and summer cereal mixtures 1 457 2 553 2 414 3 007 3 164 3 020 6 369 4 348
grain maize 93 292 117 955 131 356 128 213 147 666 144 510 221 377 221 398
rice 481 666 855 928 693 650 623 491
other cereals 7 157 5 600 7 567 8 353 9 912 9 722 19 506 15 595
cereals (including seeds), total 194 965 202 339 272 545 284 303 286 965 278 099 450 060 399 235
industrial crops
oil seeds and oleaginous fruits (including seeds)
rape and turnip rape seed 4 132 17 442 7 974 11 114 11 141 6 555 18 144 16 084
sunflower 38 070 39 684 24 486 39 841 52 116 56 861 75 262 68 993
soya 2 156 3 491 1 563 2 652 3 557 3 458 4 822 4 916
other oleaginous products 2 988 3 471 2 234 2 398 4 989 3 679 6 185 3 657
total 47 346 64 089 36 256 56 005 71 803 70 552 104 413 93 651
protein crops (including seeds) 9 060 7 449 4 416 5 202 4 150 3 171 5 129 3 521
raw tobacco 3 432 4 453 3 024 2 979 4 072 2 944 5 892 5 715
sugar beet 16 373 15 869 13 534 24 108 20 291 16 408 37 105 34 144
other industrial crops, total
fibre plants 126 37 9 14 45 106 96
hops 0 20 11 21 62 41
other industrial crops 4 105 2 466 3 649 3 446 3 583 3 664 4 982 4 053
total 4 231 2 502 3 677 3 471 3 583 3 731 5 150 4 190
industrial crops, total 80 442 94 362 60 908 91 765 103 900 96 806 157 689 141 222
forage plants
fodder maize 11 247 14 165 9 043 14 528 13 648 12 365 15 622 14 910
fodder root crops (including forage beet) 707 573 229 169 180 172 415 416
other forage plants 24 138 20 218 15 724 16 878 17 320 16 795 24 192 19 630
forage plants, total 36 092 34 957 24 996 31 574 31 148 29 332 40 229 34 957
vegetables and horticultural products
fresh vegetables
cauliflower 992 1 031 1 029 1 282 1 527 1 444 2 299 2 042
tomatoes 12 849 14 188 8 666 11 913 15 320 10 398 12 074 13 162
other fresh vegetables 81 380 90 743 78 567 95 316 85 782 99 103 100 040 87 139
total 95 220 105 962 88 261 108 511 102 629 110 945 114 413 102 343
plants and flowers
nursery plants 8 913 7 241 14 156 13 731 14 417 12 524 13 443 6 977
ornamental plants and flowers (including Christmas trees) 9 189 10 063 9 658 12 038 10 504 10 678 13 489 12 266
plantations 10 961 15 439 21 417 15 487 26 068 21 848 10 309 10 088
total 29 063 32 743 45 231 41 256 50 989 45 050 37 241 29 332
vegetables and horticultural products, total 124 283 138 705 133 492 149 767 153 618 155 995 151 654 131 675
potatoes (including seeds) 37 696 43 413 27 989 29 770 27 346 25 497 28 507 19 997
fresh fruit
dessert apples 13 105 19 146 20 377 14 642 16 301 17 775 19 973 22 422
dessert pears 1 801 1 999 1 554 1 337 1 063 1 383 1 871 1 719
peaches 5 570 4 813 4 804 6 455 3 260 3 514 7 630 4 689
other fresh fruit 26 971 23 283 27 737 23 020 16 762 22 267 21 081 18 654
total 47 446 49 241 54 471 45 454 37 385 44 939 50 554 47 484
dessert grapes 2 235 2 363 1 992 3 057 2 515 1 819 1 916 1 910
other grapesa 27 688 22 860 38 783 46 124 39 799 66 058 19 028 11 409
total 29 924 25 223 40 775 49 181 42 313 67 877 20 943 13 320
fruits, total 77 370 74 464 95 246 94 635 79 698 112 816 71 498 60 804
wine .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 503 26 981
other crop products
vegetable materials used primarily for plaiting 186 362 247 520 830 952 728 2 025
seeds 1 405 1 632 1 327 1 581 1 330 974 1 847 1 353
other crop products 2 254 3 971 8 415 3 578 2 188 2 677 9 721 4 260
other crop products, total 3 845 5 965 9 989 5 679 4 348 4 604 12 297 7 639
crop output, total 554 693 594 204 625 165 687 494 687 023 703 148 957 436 822 509
animal output
cattle 25 987 25 287 26 154 25 378 24 565 21 988 29 983 31 713
pigs 176 484 152 732 184 061 249 018 231 823 180 955 173 115 169 657
equines 1 189 2 247 611 1 391 875 365 557 453
sheep and goats 7 033 7 558 9 660 12 044 9 534 10 928 13 321 13 620
poultry 113 424 106 759 126 080 149 852 160 403 143 449 140 127 144 400
other animals 6 336 5 960 6 686 9 107 7 798 8 487 9 822 8 691
animals, total 330 453 300 544 353 252 446 790 434 998 366 172 366 925 368 534
animal products
milk 110 680 116 326 128 851 142 474 147 232 144 288 117 322 127 046
eggs 41 128 31 375 47 635 53 359 51 070 45 252 41 798 37 281
other animal products
raw wool 477 376 277 491 438 581 751 574
other animal products 16 011 12 972 13 387 16 773 24 975 27 555 19 058 20 454
total 16 489 13 348 13 663 17 264 25 413 28 136 19 810 21 027
animal products, total 168 297 161 049 190 150 213 098 223 715 217 676 178 929 185 354
animal output, total 498 750 461 593 543 402 659 888 658 713 583 848 545 854 553 888
Agricultural goods, grand total 1 053 442 1 055 798 1 168 567 1 347 382 1 345 736 1 286 996 1 503 290 1 376 397
Agricultural services output 58 358 68 328 63 319 78 134 82 762 76 720 96 428 100 840
Inseparable non-agricultural secondary activities 45 671 41 354 50 909 57 602 53 493 51 951 50 512 39 857
Agricultural output, total 1 157 470 1 165 479 1 282 795 1 483 117 1 481 990 1 415 667 1 650 229 1 517 093
Total intermediate consumption
seeds and planting stock 20 823 32 659 42 729 53 264 62 123 62 731 62 464 64 392
energy; lubricants 88 765 99 164 100 174 116 134 122 755 122 415 140 792 149 831
fertilizers and soil improvers 45 492 49 540 42 606 59 648 62 540 57 943 68 597 69 922
plant protection products and pesticides 23 645 22 963 39 988 50 981 58 697 51 433 66 114 66 678
veterinary expenses 14 293 16 729 13 013 14 239 16 638 15 173 16 847 17 643
animal feedingstuffs 232 367 233 815 309 927 366 838 368 555 347 021 355 266 283 702
maintenance of machines 35 287 39 552 37 124 44 658 46 082 38 682 49 705 50 315
maintenance of buildings 5 801 6 271 6 355 6 703 10 165 7 774 8 456 7 532
agricultural services 58 358 68 328 63 319 78 134 82 762 76 720 96 428 100 840
FISIM 2 687 3 414 3 978 4 159 4 654 4 656 5 568 5 787
other goods and services 127 038 100 225 123 768 143 757 152 048 148 121 178 025 151 112
total 654 555 672 659 782 982 938 516 987 020 932 669 1 048 263 967 753
Gross value added at basic prices
fixed capital consumption
equipment 50 359 64 275 69 213 71 173 71 171 71 653 85 728 87 413
buildings 35 639 56 686 63 928 70 533 73 911 78 581 81 464 85 112
plantations 14 684 16 458 17 872 20 231 21 760 22 770 25 148 25 294
other .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
total 100 681 137 419 151 013 161 937 166 842 173 004 192 340 197 819
net value added at basic prices 402 234 355 401 348 800 382 664 328 129 309 994 409 626 351 521
gross value added at basic prices, grand total 502 916 492 820 499 813 544 601 494 971 482 998 601 966 549 340
Income accounts
Other taxes on production 1 718 1 963 2 004 2 214 2 420 2 891 3 198 3 398
Other subsidies on production 28 130 19 006 23 547 31 770 30 381 41 238 121 594 167 047
Factor income
compensation of employees 110 927 130 352 135 948 153 836 164 538 166 906 177 945 176 368
operating surplus, mixed income 317 720 242 092 234 395 258 384 191 552 181 436 350 077 338 802
total 428 646 372 444 370 343 412 220 356 089 348 342 528 022 515 170
Rents and other real estate rental charges to be paidb 22 299 27 759 37 570 33 187 34 845 32 808 36 072 41 643
Interest paid 39 550 37 471 28 187 27 878 22 948 24 514 38 677 25 937
Interest received 7 556 6 697 5 917 6 276 5 116 5 779 9 088 6 146
Net entrepreneurial income 263 427 183 560 174 555 203 595 138 875 129 894 284 416 277 368
Capital account
Gross fixed capital formation (excluding deductible VAT)
GFCF in agricultural products
GFCF in plantations 14 169 14 668 20 987 14 992 25 063 21 309 9 892 9 548
GFCF in animals 32 303 27 942 26 883 33 557 32 191 28 778 27 982 30 475
total 46 472 42 610 47 870 48 548 57 254 50 087 37 874 40 022
GFCF in non-agricultural products
GFCF in materials
GFCF in machines and other equipment 31 287 27 957 27 385 60 183 67 668 84 139 41 434 35 785
GFCF in transport equipment 18 427 21 753 25 530 32 690 35 575 47 598 23 945 32 292
total 49 714 49 710 52 915 92 873 103 243 131 737 65 379 68 077
GFCF in buildings
GFCF in farm buildings 21 225 23 337 20 168 25 162 30 250 29 312 30 609 31 459
GFCF in other works except land improvements 9 096 10 002 8 643 10 784 12 964 12 562 13 118 12 153
total 30 321 33 339 28 811 35 945 43 214 41 874 43 727 43 612
other GFCF (addition to the value of non-financial non-produced assets)
GFCF in major land improvements 9 013 9 015 9 026 9 470 9 972 9 199 3 453 2 415
costs linked to the purchase of land and production rights 1 490 1 639 1 800 1 976 2 158 2 273 2 379 2 491
total 10 503 10 655 10 826 11 446 12 130 11 471 5 833 4 906
GFCF in non-agricultural products, total 90 538 93 704 92 552 140 264 158 587 185 082 114 939 116 595
GFCF in intangible fixed assets .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
gross fixed capital formation (excluding deductible VAT), grand total 137 010 136 314 140 421 188 813 215 841 235 169 152 813 156 617
aUntil 2003 including wine.  bExcluding forests and other. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011