5.10.2. Material flows (1995–)(1/3)

(thousand tons)

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Denomination 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
1. Biomass
Crops 20 680 21 988 23 297 22 167 20 482 17 058 23 620 19 244
Crop residues (used), fodder crops and grazed biomass 16 069 16 750 18 370 17 138 15 964 13 246 18 736 15 206
Wood 2 878 2 416 2 802 2 746 3 470 3 902 3 853 3 870
Wild fish catch, aquatic plants/animals, hunting and gathering 22 20 21 24 28 30 30 32
Total 39 649 41 173 44 490 42 076 39 945 34 236 46 239 38 352
2. Metal ores 1 288 1 298 792 943 976 1 088 1 043 763
3. Non metallic minerals 39 401 35 263 44 466 42 371 44 678 53 717 60 089 62 583
4. Fossil energy materials
Coal and other solid energy materials/carriers 14 797 14 604 16 172 15 068 14 917 14 275 14 071 12 811
Liquid and gaseous energy materials/carriers 5 860 5 340 4 900 4 400 4 180 3 810 3 687 3 554
Total 20 657 19 944 21 072 19 468 19 097 18 085 17 758 16 365
5. Domestic extraction total (1+2+3+4) 100 996 97 679 110 820 104 858 104 696 107 126 125 129 118 063
6. Import
Biomass and biomass products 3 146 2 886 3 451 3 734 3 295 4 302 4 505 4 893
Metal ores and concentrates, raw and processed 4 132 3 978 3 826 4 998 4 851 5 544 5 411 5 793
Non-metallic minerals, raw and processed 2 530 2 302 2 925 2 642 2 957 3 380 3 547 4 200
Fossil energy materials/carriers, raw and processed 15 780 19 654 18 315 18 881 18 009 13 733 15 173 13 296
Other products 1 703 1 022 1 372 1 395 1 442 4 328 2 863 6 138
Waste imported for final treatment and disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 27 290 29 842 29 888 31 651 30 555 31 286 31 499 34 320
7. Direct material input total (5+6) 128 287 127 520 140 707 136 510 135 250 138 411 156 629 152 382
8. Export
Biomass and biomass products 7 655 5 868 8 284 10 093 7 913 7 463 9 158 9 516
Metal ores and concentrates, raw and processed 3 182 2 668 3 131 3 279 3 468 3 921 3 954 4 117
Non-metallic minerals, raw and processed 2 170 1 783 2 334 2 352 2 231 2 530 2 363 2 622
Fossil energy materials/carriers, raw and processed 2 853 2 984 3 090 2 935 2 841 2 916 3 317 3 695
Other products 1 271 897 1 157 1 278 1 289 1 957 1 633 1 503
Waste imported for final treatment and disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 17 131 14 200 17 996 19 937 17 742 18 789 20 424 21 454
9. Domestic material consumption total (7-8) 111 156 113 320 122 711 116 573 117 508 119 623 136 205 130 928

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011