5.10.2. Material flows (1995–)(3/3)

(thousand tons)

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Denomination 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
1. Biomass
Crops 19 781 16 376 20 289 23 860 20 941 24 354 21 834 22 452
Crop residues (used), fodder crops and grazed biomass 16 141 12 833 16 049 19 199 16 463 19 224 16 680 17 642
Wood 4 111 3 908 3 936 3 773 3 754 3 638 3 716 3 834
Wild fish catch, aquatic plants/animals, hunting and gathering 38 39 37 38 39 38 42 44
Total 40 071 33 156 40 312 46 870 41 197 47 254 42 272 43 972
2. Metal ores 336 306 129 65 65 35 1 4
3. Non metallic minerals 39 364 36 732 40 789 59 629 66 493 53 967 73 024 84 206
4. Fossil energy materials
Coal and other solid energy materials/carriers 9 563 9 338 9 553 9 565 9 308 9 257 8 052 7 912
Liquid and gaseous energy materials/carriers 2 700 2 620 2 272 2 173 2 143 2 301 2 288 2 477
Total 12 263 11 958 11 825 11 738 11 452 11 558 10 339 10 390
5. Domestic extraction total (1+2+3+4) 92 034 82 153 93 054 118 302 119 207 112 814 125 636 138 572
6. Import
Biomass and biomass products 6 867 6 830 6 999 7 517 7 804 8 403 9 370 10 296
Metal ores and concentrates, raw and processed 7 997 8 000 8 154 8 842 9 545 9 567 11 362 12 373
Non-metallic minerals, raw and processed 4 152 4 016 5 375 5 779 5 355 5 588 8 686 12 525
Fossil energy materials/carriers, raw and processed 18 088 17 398 18 106 20 541 18 665 18 236 20 614 19 763
Other products 1 985 1 926 2 246 2 582 2 597 2 724 3 341 3 569
Waste imported for final treatment and disposal 3 0 0 0 13 1 0 1
Total 39 091 38 171 40 881 45 262 43 979 44 519 53 373 58 527
7. Direct material input total (5+6) 131 125 120 323 133 936 163 564 163 186 157 333 179 010 197 099
8. Export
Biomass and biomass products 14 048 15 525 14 922 15 561 17 032 16 143 20 110 17 233
Metal ores and concentrates, raw and processed 6 972 7 047 7 480 7 407 7 250 7 398 8 424 9 040
Non-metallic minerals, raw and processed 3 672 3 597 3 434 3 849 4 308 4 349 5 443 5 651
Fossil energy materials/carriers, raw and processed 5 884 6 002 6 938 6 874 6 722 6 875 7 797 8 419
Other products 2 369 2 411 2 735 3 054 3 254 3 339 3 485 3 552
Waste imported for final treatment and disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 32 945 34 582 35 508 36 744 38 565 38 104 45 258 43 895
9. Domestic material consumption total (7-8) 98 180 85 741 98 427 126 819 124 621 119 230 133 751 153 204
Revised data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011