9.3.19. Total number of hours worked in voluntary work through organization(s) by demographic and other characteristics and by how many kinds of voluntary work were carried out, quarter 1, 2014

(hours/last 12 months)

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Characteristics Did one Did two Did three Did four or more Total
kind(s) of voluntary work through organization(s)
Total 13 907 406 2 240 714 1 009 895 443 824 17 601 839
Male 9 358 419 1 036 865 737 677 113 601 11 246 562
Female 4 548 987 1 203 849 272 218 330 223 6 355 277
Age groups
15–19 725 115 65 454 21 905 107 915 920 389
20–24 1 429 785 285 382 20 857 1 736 024
25–29 616 950 363 876 13 367 114 352 1 108 545
30–34 945 825 61 026 7 686 1 014 537
35–39 1 761 511 248 791 12 810 26 508 2 049 620
40–44 864 580 346 310 199 369 13 910 1 424 169
45–49 2 314 226 429 147 37 644 20 880 2 801 897
50–54 1 226 463 39 700 399 508 17 427 1 683 098
55–59 1 335 495 114 922 129 738 41 302 1 621 457
60–64 1 405 327 160 729 103 442 4 140 1 673 638
65–69 900 107 75 834 49 065 85 630 1 110 636
70–74 382 024 49 544 14 505 11 760 457 833
Highest level of education
Less than 8 grades of primary school 35 933 35 933
Primary school 1 883 763 175 390 43 353 141 057 2 243 563
Vocational and apprentice school 3 050 732 372 813 550 765 40 590 4 014 900
Secondary general school 1 536 138 373 406 41 069 1 950 613
Secondary vocational school 3 803 129 538 617 88 121 12 723 4 442 590
Tertiary education 3 597 711 780 489 286 587 249 454 4 914 241
Type of settlement
Village 5 619 724 511 001 643 357 177 211 6 951 293
Town 5 792 025 1 397 836 267 713 223 773 7 681 347
Budapest 2 495 656 331 877 98 826 42 840 2 969 199
Economic activity
Employed 8 245 177 1 677 253 582 065 291 007 10 795 502
Unemployed 689 297 6 112 357 966 1 053 375
Economically inactive 4 972 931 557 349 69 864 152 817 5 752 961
Marital status
Single 5 306 328 864 387 60 382 159 875 6 390 972
Married 6 481 114 1 077 012 804 442 143 910 8 506 478
Widowed, divorced or legally separated 2 119 963 299 316 145 071 140 039 2 704 389
Status in the family
Single 1 968 907 279 162 137 745 127 756 2 513 570
Not single 11 938 498 1 961 552 872 150 316 068 15 088 268
Of which:
husband 4 681 286 537 122 657 468 24 048 5 899 924
wife 1 452 996 506 769 146 974 105 952 2 212 691
cohabitant 1 716 218 336 498 4 253 26 680 2 083 649
single parent 918 749 103 496 7 326 30 593 1 060 164
child 2 844 424 477 667 56 129 117 035 3 495 255
other 324 825 11 760 336 585
Type of household – by activity
There is at least one employed person in the household 11 089 690 1 944 451 965 135 403 674 14 402 950
All members of the household aged 15–74 are unemployed 391 965 391 965
All are economically inactive 179 946 179 946
All are unemployed or economically inactive 2 245 804 296 263 44 760 40 150 2 626 977
Number of children under age 19 in the household
no children under age 19 8 416 216 956 555 682 619 384 374 10 439 764
1 child under age 19 2 484 891 798 954 56 317 54 698 3 394 860
2 children under age 19 2 388 853 289 223 153 904 4 752 2 836 732
3 or more children under age 19 617 446 195 982 117 054 930 482
Area of education
General programmes 3 381 362 548 796 80 717 141 057 4 151 932
Education 685 473 220 319 23 088 59 544 988 424
Humanities and arts 773 719 3 960 30 314 16 470 824 463
Social sciences, business and law 1 674 164 385 650 45 109 137 200 2 242 123
Mathematics, computing and other sciences 329 186 28 874 36 743 2 520 397 323
Engineering, manufacturing and construction 4 393 551 777 280 563 248 44 193 5 778 272
Agriculture and veterinary 729 733 117 452 42 810 889 995
Health and welfare 487 084 5 111 182 270 42 840 717 305
Services 1 453 134 153 272 5 597 1 612 003
Participation in formal education
Primary 479 479
Vocational and apprentice school 60 890 3 640 18 445 82 975
Secondary school 655 886 70 166 6 659 107 915 840 626
Higher vocational programme in formal education 14 759 14 759
Tertiary education 1 268 989 150 958 423 1 420 370
PhD, DLA training 1 437 1 437
Didn't attend formal education 11 904 967 2 015 951 984 368 335 909 15 241 195
County/region of residence
Central Hungary 4 027 531 373 258 230 737 42 840 4 674 366
Budapest 2 495 656 331 877 98 826 42 840 2 969 199
Pest 1 531 874 41 381 131 912 1 705 167
Central Transdanubia 1 679 059 289 403 27 990 28 390 2 024 842
Fejér 1 107 007 158 958 27 990 1 293 955
Komárom-Esztergom 406 456 700 28 390 435 546
Veszprém 165 596 129 745 295 341
Western Transdanubia 2 166 797 281 032 34 964 77 978 2 560 771
Győr-Moson-Sopron 1 520 483 70 460 1 590 943
Vas 493 668 162 510 34 964 64 068 755 210
Zala 152 646 48 062 13 910 214 618
Southern Transdanubia 1 056 228 739 700 168 771 126 271 2 090 970
Baranya 441 917 165 201 146 621 94 831 848 570
Somogy 358 984 554 885 18 445 932 314
Tolna 255 327 19 614 3 705 31 440 310 086
Northern Hungary 1 265 301 153 002 44 814 47 560 1 510 677
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 821 167 91 800 20 880 933 847
Heves 321 549 61 202 44 814 26 680 454 245
Nógrád 122 585 122 585
Northern Great Plain 1 875 733 263 078 456 779 120 785 2 716 375
Hajdú-Bihar 613 869 105 542 97 968 110 435 927 814
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 856 245 157 536 1 013 781
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 405 620 358 811 10 350 774 781
Southern Great Plain 1 836 757 141 240 45 840 2 023 837
Bács-Kiskun 717 665 58 920 776 585
Békés 730 499 82 320 45 840 858 659
Csongrád-Csanád 388 594 388 594

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011