3.7.4. Central government expenditures*(1/10)

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Expenditures Budget estimates for 2017 2017
J J–F J–M J–A J–My J–Ju
million HUF
Special and normative subsidies 311 430 29 277 29 295 87 471 110 766 146 241 178 435
Support to the public media 70 140 5 845 11 690 17 535 23 380 29 225 35 070
Consumer price subsidy 104 000 8 023 15 447 24 100 31 534 40 583 48 808
Housing subsidy 211 300 5 220 23 274 41 920 56 520 68 474 84 893
Family benefits 413 857 36 513 71 582 140 152 174 108 207 846 208 291
Provisions under age limit 95 932 7 777 15 576 23 425 31 261 39 158 47 051
Income supplement benefits 124 038 10 569 20 831 34 331 45 064 55 472 64 995
Other specific subsidies 23 653 1 971 3 942 5 913 7 884 9 855 11 826
Family benefits, social allowances 657 479 56 830 111 931 203 822 258 317 312 331 332 163
Central budgetary institutions and chapter-administered appropriations 8 322 241 553 584 1 106 711 1 728 165 2 377 186 3 157 141 4 322 569
Transfer to extrabudgetary funds 31 884 4 156 7 056 9 656 11 256 15 356 21 356
Guarantee and contribution to social security funds' expenditures 383 648 31 971 63 942 95 911 127 982 159 957 191 982
Transfer to local governments 641 105 68 557 114 885 162 688 213 634 265 056 325 265
Transfers to general government subsectors 1 056 637 104 684 185 883 268 254 352 872 440 369 538 603
Interest expenditures 955 063 45 434 112 010 195 917 253 798 316 453 612 778
Transfer to social self-organizing units 3 810 952 952 952 1 905 1 905 1 905
Extraordinary government expenditures 3 286 273 542 817 1 081 1 341 1 599
Redeemed government guarantees 20 964 445 1 603 2 238 2 464 4 643 10 011
Other expenditures 83 438 7 646 13 146 28 761 38 821 47 016 55 063
Reserve for extra governmental measures 110 000
Special reserve 205 200
Economic Protection Programmes
Central Reserve for Epidemic Control
National reserve 60 000
Fund for Investment Preparation
Reserves 375 200
Contribution to the EU-budget 317 045 14 806 42 906 61 902 85 647 109 392 131 636
Expenditures related to state property 315 774 16 964 23 541 44 179 74 451 118 607 134 044
Total expenditures 12 807 807 849 984 1 678 932 2 706 033 3 668 741 4 793 719 6 487 576
*Source: Hungarian State Treasury. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011