3.7.4. Central government expenditures*(9/10)

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Expenditures Budget estimates for 2021 2021
J J–F J–M J–A J–My J–Ju
million HUF
Special and normative subsidies 464 349 5 672
Support to the public media 97 188 8 099
Consumer price subsidy 137 700 4 684
Housing subsidy 249 554 22 135
Family benefits 398 648 33 433
Provisions under age limit 92 669 7 838
Income supplement benefits 155 985 13 042
Other specific subsidies 24 725 2 060
Family benefits, social allowances 672 027 56 373
Central budgetary institutions and chapter-administered appropriations 8 084 264 785 639
Transfer to extrabudgetary funds 70 955 12 378
Guarantee and contribution to social security funds' expenditures 1 159 880 85 787
Transfer to local governments 864 816 95 107
Transfers to general government subsectors 2 095 651 193 272
Interest expenditures 1 030 420 25 160
Transfer to social self-organizing units 5 779 1 443
Extraordinary government expenditures 1 988 166
Redeemed government guarantees 37 920 861
Other expenditures 174 002 25 811
Reserve for extra governmental measures 118 000
Special reserve 184 594
Economic Protection Programmes 68 000
Central Reserve for Epidemic Control 25 000
National reserve
Fund for Investment Preparation 10 000
Reserves 405 594
Contribution to the EU-budget 450 361 59 965
Expenditures related to state property 510 418 8 739
Total expenditures 16 018 157 1 456 911
*Source: Hungarian State Treasury. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011