9.1.25. 15–64 years old employees by type of work contract, gender and whether they are a member of a trade union or not, quarter 2, 2015

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Type of work contract Member Not member Cannot say Total Member Not member Cannot say Total
of a trade union of a trade union
persons %
Contracted directly with the employer 327 543 3 202 654 75 351 3 605 548 9.1 88.8 2.1 100.0
Contracted with a temporary employment agency 1 286 28 402 1 517 31 205 4.1 91.0 4.9 100.0
Total 328 829 3 231 056 76 868 3 636 753 9.0 88.8 2.1 100.0
Contracted directly with the employer 167 927 1 690 806 40 899 1 899 632 8.8 89.0 2.2 100.0
Contracted with a temporary employment agency 892 17 244 1 029 19 165 4.7 90.0 5.4 100.0
Total 168 819 1 708 050 41 928 1 918 797 8.8 89.0 2.2 100.0
Contracted directly with the employer 159 616 1 511 848 34 452 1 705 916 9.4 88.6 2.0 100.0
Contracted with a temporary employment agency 394 11 158 488 12 040 3.3 92.7 4.1 100.0
Total 160 010 1 523 006 34 940 1 717 956 9.3 88.7 2.0 100.0

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011