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Coronavirus Dossier

Statistical information on the effects of the Coronavirus epidemic

The Coronavirus Dossier is a new collection page on the HCSO's website, designed to make all relevant information about the Coronavirus epidemic and its social and economic impacts available to our users.

What does it contain?

  • Information on the H-UNCOVER survey (its purpose, organisation and results)
  • Analyses
  • Data visualisations
  • Our Weekly Monitor collection

Go to our Coronavirus dedicated page (only in Hungarian)


A representative survey to combat the novel Coronavirus

In the fight against the novel Coronavirus, a representative survey was conducted in the first half of May 2020 with the involvement of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office and four medical universities. The aim of the research was to provide an accurate picture of the spread of the epidemic and to gain knowledge about the real number of people infected with the novel Coronavirus, including asymptomatic carriers (transfected people).

  • Number of participants: nearly 18,000 in the sample and 10,600 actual participants in the implemented sample
  • Age group included in the sample: 14 years and older
  • Number of settlements selected within the country: 489
  • Survey type: voluntary
  • Sample: a two-step, stratified probability sample
  • Representativeness: at the territorial level and for major age groups
  • Results, estimate, May 2020:
    • Active infected population: 2,421 persons
    • Transfected population (prevalence): 56,439 persons

More information about H-UNCOVER (only in Hungarian)

Weekly Monitor

Browse our weekly and monthly data on the effects of the novel Coronavirus

Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus epidemic, we considered it necessary to provide more frequent and up-to-date statistics in a number of statistical areas in addition to our regular monthly and quarterly economic indicators. Our Weekly Monitor will help you assess the economic and social impact of the epidemic through the following:

  • preliminary data
  • daily, weekly and monthly updated data
  • data published in a collection of interactive charts
  • downloadable data in PNG, SVG and CSV formats
  • data sourced from new data sources, not used previously by the HCSO
  • more frequent data, through faster and modified production methods
  • specially detailed data to meet new requirements

Check our Weekly Monitor page

Estimating the impact of the Coronavirus epidemic

In time series, with outlier treatment methods

In the process of seasonal adjustment, we detect and treat outliers. If the outlier effect is removed from the time series, a so-called ‘outlier-managed’ time series is obtained. This result can also be interpreted as an estimate of what would have happened without the outlier. Because the Coronavirus epidemic produced a very significant outlier effect for many time series, the difference between the outlier-treated and the original time series is actually a kind of estimate on the effect of the Coronavirus epidemic. This estimate can be easily and quickly calculated for each time series for which seasonal adjustment is applied.

Read about the effects on the retail trade (only in Hungarian)

Let’s take a look behind the scenes: the HCSO podcast channel

The HCSO has launched a new communication channel - listen to what the HCSO is saying

We provide our users with insights into the world of statistics in a new interface on issues such as: data collection, methodology and the operation of the statistical office.

Professional discussions

  • with statisticians
  • on important topics
  • to inform and entertain our audience

Our broadcasts

  • are available from all major streaming providers
  • explore the four following topics so far: the H-UNCOVER survey, a map of single people in Hungary, the new rent index and the ongoing agricultural census

(Only in Hungarian)