Motor fuel price statistics

Released: 19 April 2024

Based on the latest data of the EU’s Weekly Oil Bulletin, the average price of 95 octane petrol was 640 forints in Hungary and 620 forints in countries in the region. The average price for Hungary was 3.2% higher than the average value for the region. The weekly average price of diesel fuel was 654 forints in Hungary, which was 31 forints or 5% higher than the regional average price of 623 forints.

95 petrol motor fuel prices in Hungary, and average for countries in the region

After phasing out the administrative motor fuel price in December 2022, motor fuel prices in Hungary rose above the regional averages. In the case of 95 petrol, consumers experienced significant fluctuations in the prices at petrol stations during 2023, with the highest prices being registered in September, when the average petrol price was around 650 forints. The lowest prices were in May and December, when an amount of between 540 and 570 forints on average had to be paid for a litre of 95 octane petrol. Since the beginning of 2024, a continuous increase has been observed in motor fuel prices.

Compared with data for the region, the average price of 95 petrol was always higher in Hungary than in the region except for two weeks. The weekly difference was 10–17% in the first two months of 2023, which then lessened over the course of the year. The gap widened again in 2024, the domestic petrol price exceeding by already 5% the regional average in April. Based on the latest data, this value was 3.2% on 15 April 2024.

Diesel motor fuel prices in Hungary, and average for countries in the region

In the case of diesel, there were even more substantial fluctuations in the average prices than for petrol in 2023. The monthly average price exceeded 700 forints back in January, and the lowest average prices, 545–570 forints were registered in May. Similarly to petrol, the average prices continuously went up in the case of diesel oil as well from the beginning of 2024.

The average price of diesel oil in Hungary was higher every week than the average price in the region in 2023, surpassing it by 8–13% in the first month of the year. In the rest of the year, a trend similar to that in the price of petrol was seen. The diesel fuel price in Hungary was 5.4% higher monthly in the 1st quarter of 2024 than the average for the region. Based on the latest data, this value was 5.0% on 15 April 2024.

Compared to Hungary, the average price of petrol was slightly higher in Austria, Serbia and Slovakia out of the countries in the region according to the latest data. The average price of 95 octane petrol was less than 10% lower in Czechia, Croatia, Poland, Romania and Slovenia and more than 10% lower in Bulgaria than the price in Hungary.

95 petrol motor fuel prices in countries in the region

In the case of diesel oil, the weekly average prices in Austria and Serbia were higher than the value in Hungary, however, the average price was over 10% lower in Bulgaria compared to the average price of diesel fuel in Hungary.

Diesel motor fuel prices in countries in the region

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