Code Industries, branches 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Number of foreign direct investment enterprises
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 705 737 774 754 734 703 656 611 582 545 516 535 499 506 476
B Mining and quarrying 89 96 95 96 90 85 85 79 77 69 69 78 69 75 70
C Manufacturing 3,133 3,053 3,034 3,035 2,932 2,873 2,823 2,744 2,664 2,520 2,511 2,680 2,564 2,562 2,513
CA Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products 416 455 466 497 487 514 510 494 460 412 408 457 443 444 430
CB Manufacture of textiles, apparel, leather and related products 337 310 307 285 250 245 232 202 184 168 158 163 153 150 152
CC Manufacture of wood and paper products, and printing 287 283 278 268 252 229 219 218 213 186 176 195 172 164 146
CD–CF Manufacture of coke, and refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products, pharma-ceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 138 118 119 116 111 114 108 107 101 105 104 117 117 122 120
CG Manufacture of rubber and plastics products, and other non-metallic mineral products 418 384 360 361 343 340 329 323 318 321 312 326 313 312 306
CH Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 484 472 476 460 463 444 457 464 448 409 404 409 391 395 385
CI Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 176 172 159 158 152 148 140 140 136 130 130 143 134 138 136
CJ Manufacture of electrical equipment 146 148 148 144 138 133 137 138 136 135 139 153 159 155 161
CK Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 303 275 273 276 280 260 237 220 224 224 228 239 230 225 229
CL Manufacture of transport equipment 160 168 182 183 177 177 182 185 187 177 185 183 187 187 180
CM Other manufacturing, and repair and installation of machinery and equipment 268 268 266 287 279 269 272 253 257 253 267 295 265 270 268
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 154 170 180 185 205 188 179 166 168 164 176 224 252 286 254
E Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 98 99 92 95 95 86 74 69 65 59 65 70 67 65 71
F Construction 1,527 1,482 1,426 1,381 1,279 1,190 1,103 1,026 938 875 956 1,106 1,016 1,041 1,009
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 8,880 8,845 9,012 9,214 8,462 8,365 8,127 7,706 6,990 6,288 6,511 7,259 6,859 6,964 6,545
H Transportation and storage 731 744 766 777 773 767 748 720 684 667 693 787 761 792 793
I Accommodation and food service activities 1,289 1,363 1,384 1,388 1,287 1,295 1,291 1,220 1,174 1,054 1,151 1,258 1,179 1,231 1,192
J Information and communication 1,069 1,055 1,075 1,129 1,116 1,134 1,124 1,118 1,067 995 1,077 1,261 1,231 1,288 1,258
K Financial and insurance activities 319 325 355 379 362 342 315 315 292 172 157 164 160 153 153
L Real estate activities 6,695 6,836 6,920 6,789 6,358 6,147 5,922 5,471 5,205 4,711 4,693 4,828 4,422 4,229 4,009
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 2,672 2,439 2,868 2,945 2,834 2,818 2,817 2,696 2,673 2,535 2,673 2,933 2,769 2,788 2,789
N Administrative and support service activities 1,034 1,329 1,078 1,108 1,129 1,155 1,182 1,095 1,108 986 1,074 1,188 1,089 1,077 1,081
O–P Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; Education 134 153 162 176 175 165 162 145 131 119 129 152 153 146 123
Q Human health and social work activities 151 160 167 172 162 166 169 155 144 126 130 139 118 144 140
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 198 172 194 194 198 184 188 172 185 161 160 174 155 151 148
S Other service activities 169 168 178 199 184 168 184 179 174 128 140 177 174 175 161
A–S Total 29,047 29,226 29,760 30,016 28,375 27,831 27,149 25,687 24,321 22,174 22,881 25,013 23,537 23,673 22,785
Foreign direct investment enterprises in Hungary - net liabilities, billion HUF
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 89 96 107 109 135 138 149 159 161 174 168 169 184 248 275
B Mining and quarrying 80 79 63 71 75 72 63 58 67 98 119 114 102 98 144
C Manufacturing 4,583 4,671 4,838 3,126 4,613 5,045 6,461 2,674 7,194 10,163 10,634 11,825 13,365 15,529 18,625
CA Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products 468 487 456 482 540 532 533 626 676 703 644 662 767 857 1,185
CB Manufacture of textiles, apparel, leather and related products 63 74 75 91 81 87 99 110 111 124 123 135 141 133 152
CC Manufacture of wood and paper products, and printing 224 223 215 208 211 231 271 332 480 514 498 554 507 619 723
CD–CF Manufacture of coke, and refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products, pharma-ceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 643 958 1,085 753 779 598 1,283 1,118 1,189 1,461 1,780 1,801 2,808 3,708 4,165
CG Manufacture of rubber and plastics products, and other non-metallic mineral products 580 621 661 660 718 813 924 1,014 1,175 1,225 1,344 1,521 1,696 1,740 2,234
CH Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 400 305 324 385 357 407 500 510 539 610 676 734 782 849 852
CI Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 474 408 511 680 656 638 697 825 892 1,053 1,117 1,538 1,443 1,783 1,835
CJ Manufacture of electrical equipment 200 185 198 203 196 223 250 284 320 366 552 790 906 1,390 2,088
CK Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 219 246 254 47 147 269 374 -3,894 -54 326 552 617 672 804 1,182
CL Manufacture of transport equipment 1,225 1,072 946 -526 772 1,044 1,207 1,374 1,495 3,476 3,094 3,269 3,299 3,334 3,775
CM Other manufacturing, and repair and installation of machinery and equipment 86 92 113 143 157 203 323 373 373 305 255 205 343 314 435
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 808 984 1,163 711 953 709 641 776 703 589 414 383 359 319 310
E Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 23 32 35 38 32 33 24 16 18 23 21 23 26 37 44
F Construction 291 332 331 290 273 221 199 220 274 297 331 352 380 489 700
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2,278 2,314 2,490 2,696 2,637 2,538 2,431 2,489 2,371 2,331 2,652 2,820 3,183 3,446 3,829
H Transportation and storage 398 396 365 417 511 345 371 425 565 672 578 851 845 827 785
I Accommodation and food service activities 110 95 116 139 122 131 141 165 204 234 257 345 302 281 324
J Information and communication 1,451 1,580 1,450 1,405 1,299 1,281 1,429 1,589 1,503 1,285 1,295 1,417 1,437 1,454 1,663
K Financial and insurance activities 2,093 2,160 2,213 2,640 3,324 3,837 4,092 4,393 1,897 2,053 2,293 2,525 2,786 2,898 3,149
L Real estate activities 1,331 1,536 1,486 1,465 1,472 1,611 1,615 1,626 1,687 1,784 2,295 2,342 2,554 3,126 3,473
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 2,285 1,524 1,499 4,614 5,978 5,966 6,503 5,658 4,666 1,592 1,741 1,827 2,307 2,775 3,266
N Administrative and support service activities 288 2,335 2,343 2,367 1,102 1,022 1,210 3,612 1,947 1,397 1,505 903 470 458 789
O–P Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; Education 3 2 3 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 12 12 12 13 16
Q Human health and social work activities 12 14 16 11 11 10 13 16 18 21 23 32 31 31 31
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 7 8 8 9 10 24 21 21 8 11 13 12 21 18 21
S Other service activities 21 28 5 6 8 11 10 13 13 14 13 12 15 16 19
Not allocated 401 415 459 489 503 540 639 807 985 1,211 1,500 1,763 1,888 2,400 2,941
A–S Total 16,551 18,600 18,990 20,606 23,067 23,540 26,019 24,723 24,288 23,955 25,865 27,725 30,268 34,464 40,405
Source: National Bank of Hungary (MNB).