3.7.4. Central government expenditures*(3/10)

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Expenditures Budget estimates for 2018 2018
J J–F J–M J–A J–My J–Ju
million HUF
Special and normative subsidies 372 832 29 040 34 281 123 110 152 781 186 830 203 810
Support to the public media 71 263 5 939 11 878 17 817 23 756 29 694 35 633
Consumer price subsidy 97 500 7 642 14 863 23 183 30 615 39 067 46 351
Housing subsidy 236 300 17 227 23 510 38 297 51 226 73 490 80 452
Family benefits 407 108 34 434 69 098 105 417 141 031 173 679 204 437
Provisions under age limit 89 917 7 818 15 601 23 352 31 023 38 598 46 120
Income supplement benefits 124 642 10 857 21 364 31 751 41 935 51 925 63 810
Other specific subsidies 22 926 1 910 3 821 5 731 7 641 9 552 11 462
Family benefits, social allowances 644 592 55 020 109 884 166 252 221 630 273 754 325 830
Central budgetary institutions and chapter-administered appropriations 9 086 718 950 398 1 725 340 2 649 418 3 693 968 4 458 600 5 272 852
Transfer to extrabudgetary funds 61 913 6 608 11 458 15 158 18 758 23 358 27 284
Guarantee and contribution to social security funds' expenditures 596 825 49 735 99 469 149 204 198 940 248 706 298 451
Transfer to local governments 705 406 71 659 142 578 195 744 249 437 303 833 353 354
Transfers to general government subsectors 1 364 145 128 003 253 506 360 107 467 135 575 898 679 089
Interest expenditures 978 300 42 720 80 736 139 054 187 183 214 587 482 606
Transfer to social self-organizing units 9 810 952 952 7 964 7 939 8 120 8 172
Extraordinary government expenditures 2 926 239 477 715 962 1 205 1 435
Redeemed government guarantees 22 056 1 421 3 057 3 865 4 352 6 759 7 809
Other expenditures 86 076 13 671 18 388 23 586 35 322 39 129 45 173
Reserve for extra governmental measures 110 000
Special reserve 90 551
Economic Protection Programmes
Central Reserve for Epidemic Control
National reserve 60 000
Fund for Investment Preparation
Reserves 260 551
Contribution to the EU-budget 309 926 12 395 57 790 84 752 109 019 127 892 157 128
Expenditures related to state property 322 213 24 459 32 840 50 345 70 471 92 746 102 749
Total expenditures 13 865 205 1 289 130 2 367 502 3 688 466 5 056 359 6 127 772 7 449 089
*Source: Hungarian State Treasury. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011