3.7.4. Central government expenditures*(8/10)

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Expenditures 2020
J–Jl J–Au J–S J–O J–N J–D
million HUF
Special and normative subsidies 333 262 399 091 427 858 530 223 551 575 663 363
Support to the public media 43 759 50 010 56 262 62 513 78 542 84 794
Consumer price subsidy 36 765 40 229 45 475 52 232 60 150 65 025
Housing subsidy 145 225 163 960 183 569 209 351 232 602 251 494
Family benefits 235 110 301 150 301 611 334 435 367 138 398 430
Provisions under age limit 53 706 61 440 69 130 76 739 85 219 92 920
Income supplement benefits 84 093 98 714 107 358 118 846 130 347 141 508
Other specific subsidies 14 191 16 218 18 245 20 272 22 300 24 450
Family benefits, social allowances 387 099 477 521 496 344 550 292 605 003 657 308
Central budgetary institutions and chapter-administered appropriations 7 592 684 8 411 542 9 309 243 10 458 782 11 447 520 14 451 286
Transfer to extrabudgetary funds 30 335 35 140 62 595 73 717 91 074 248 523
Guarantee and contribution to social security funds' expenditures 366 349 418 684 471 020 523 355 575 692 651 990
Transfer to local governments 428 354 483 095 552 770 613 703 702 366 821 115
Transfers to general government subsectors 825 038 936 919 1 086 384 1 210 776 1 369 132 1 721 627
Interest expenditures 576 239 678 116 766 375 994 689 1 162 501 1 225 367
Transfer to social self-organizing units 3 545 3 543 3 538 4 297 4 343 4 338
Extraordinary government expenditures 1 313 1 492 1 670 1 844 2 018 2 193
Redeemed government guarantees 8 936 9 867 10 445 11 557 13 108 13 971
Other expenditures 91 303 100 586 115 432 134 813 143 167 174 543
Reserve for extra governmental measures
Special reserve
Economic Protection Programmes
Central Reserve for Epidemic Control
National reserve
Fund for Investment Preparation
Contribution to the EU-budget 267 374 282 205 309 359 342 279 412 875 449 765
Expenditures related to state property 204 325 243 752 354 267 417 428 586 106 1 304 596
Total expenditures 10 516 865 11 798 833 13 166 219 14 981 078 16 668 641 21 069 671
*Source: Hungarian State Treasury. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011