3.7.4. Central government expenditures*(5/10)

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Expenditures Budget estimates for 2019 2019
J J–F J–M J–A J–My J–Ju
million HUF
Special and normative subsidies 374 900 28 336 106 355 121 258 158 950 207 324 232 693
Support to the public media 73 044 6 086 12 172 18 258 24 344 30 430 36 516
Consumer price subsidy 90 500 8 156 14 711 23 079 30 559 38 509 45 516
Housing subsidy 242 370 18 819 26 409 41 516 54 782 78 949 86 377
Family benefits 401 798 66 135 66 565 101 281 134 971 168 333 200 419
Provisions under age limit 89 398 7 854 15 756 23 581 31 324 39 058 46 684
Income supplement benefits 125 747 15 846 24 056 36 098 48 048 56 961 70 237
Other specific subsidies 23 275 1 939 3 879 5 818 7 758 9 698 11 638
Family benefits, social allowances 640 217 91 775 110 256 166 778 222 100 274 050 328 979
Central budgetary institutions and chapter-administered appropriations 9 218 263 830 782 1 571 599 2 416 776 3 278 750 4 210 638 5 086 701
Transfer to extrabudgetary funds 36 432 5 635 8 635 11 635 16 205 20 550 26 457
Guarantee and contribution to social security funds' expenditures 467 234 38 936 78 006 117 175 156 118 195 054 233 990
Transfer to local governments 728 917 83 553 145 728 209 962 261 497 317 843 369 848
Transfers to general government subsectors 1 232 583 128 125 232 370 338 772 433 820 533 448 630 295
Interest expenditures 989 327 43 446 96 379 162 931 202 667 237 990 477 993
Transfer to social self-organizing units 5 779 1 281 1 298 1 303 2 668 2 635 2 677
Extraordinary government expenditures 2 647 208 421 632 850 1 063 1 267
Redeemed government guarantees 20 861 1 143 2 060 3 487 4 205 6 191 7 366
Other expenditures 100 100 12 472 15 723 18 166 28 908 32 864 37 472
Reserve for extra governmental measures 165 000
Special reserve 136 454
Economic Protection Programmes
Central Reserve for Epidemic Control
National reserve 60 000
Fund for Investment Preparation 20 000
Reserves 381 454
Contribution to the EU-budget 351 955 42 421 123 579 153 719 174 816 192 900 217 553
Expenditures related to state property 339 642 11 676 27 911 70 441 88 752 125 284 138 879
Total expenditures 14 063 643 1 224 727 2 341 241 3 537 116 4 706 172 5 972 274 7 330 282
*Source: Hungarian State Treasury. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011