4.1.20. Production and use of main fruits (2014–)(6/14)

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Denomination Plums and greengages
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Characteristics of production
Total orchard area, hectare 7 223 7 980 7 944 7 919 7 955
Total harvested production, ton 46 023 47 560 43 295 46 690 45 248
Average procurement price, HUF per kilogram 75 67 128 64 71
Average market price, HUF per kilogram 314 270 342 326 324
Value of gross production, million HUF
at current prices 4 417 3 881 5 530 4 066 4 737
at constant pricesb 3 024 4 334 3 788 5 949 3 871
Producers' balance-sheet, ton
Total harvested production 46 023 47 560 43 295 46 690 45 248
Purchasing and other sources 62 89 8
Total resource 46 085 47 649 43 303 46 690 45 248
Total sale 36 223 35 925 32 459 35 944 35 369
Of which:
procurement, processors 10 830 12 709 7 452 8 988 8 712
peasants' market 6 154 4 998 4 681 4 637 5 215
direct exports 339 650 495 451 354
Processing and use within farm 6 483 7 071 6 583 6 777 6 338
Of which:
distilling industry 5 520 6 026 5 365 5 611 5 191
Consumption from own production 3 155 4 298 4 136 3 481 3 248
Storage loss 176 353 120 487 292
Changes in stocks 48 2 5 1 1
Total use 46 085 47 649 43 303 46 690 45 248
External trade
ton 683 1 087 1 790 939 1 527
million HUF 216 307 489 336 497
ton 8 870 12 406 11 171 7 647 7 254
million HUF 1 583 1 848 2 560 1 181 1 318
bAt previous year's prices. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011