3.7.3. Central government expenditures (2005–)*(4/8)

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Revenues, balance 2011 2012
budget estimates completion as a % of 2010 as a % of budget estimates of 2011 budget estimates completion as a % of 2011 as a % of budget estimates of 2012
million HUF million HUF
Special and normative subsidies 214 883 211 992 105.3 98.7 237 544 259 482 122.4 109.2
Support to the public media 58 700 53 737 117.4 91.5 64 800 61 836 115.1 95.4
Consumer price subsidy
Housing subsidy 126 000 129 079 87.6 102.4 120 100 124 001 96.1 103.2
Family benefits 456 215 451 524 98.0 99.0 456 079 445 817 98.7 97.8
Provisions under age limit 303 662 279 982 92.2
Income supplement benefits 145 574 139 841 96.6 96.1 68 041 62 688 44.8 92.1
Other specific subsidies 26 500 27 552 102.8 104.0 24 850 28 491 103.4 114.7
Family benefits, social allowances 628 289 618 918 97.9 98.5 852 632 816 978 132.0 95.8
Central budgetary institutions and chapter-administered appropriations 4 246 235 4 720 350 112.3 111.2 4 883 002 5 046 863 106.9 103.4
Transfer to extrabudgetary funds 95 763 89 054 507.3 93.0 72 521 94 576 106.2 130.4
Guarantee and contribution to social security funds' expenditures 637 383 637 784 55.6 100.1 675 492 690 895 108.3 102.3
Transfer to local governmentsb 1 148 657 1 195 626 94.9 104.1 1 041 931 1 066 707 89.2 102.4
Subsidy for local governments' debt repayments 76 029
Transfer to local governments 1 881 803 1 922 464 79.3 102.2 1 789 944 1 852 179 96.3 103.5
Interest expendituresc 1 052 246 1 101 130 96.9 104.6 1 064 984 1 202 361 109.2 112.9
Transfer to social self-organizing units 3 810 3 810 76.3 100.0 3 810 3 810 100.0 100.0
Extraordinary government expenditures 49 119 43 412 85.1 88.4 46 655 43 351 99.9 92.9
Redeemed government guarantees 35 355 29 448 88.3 83.3 40 213 40 810 138.6 101.5
General reserve
Special reserve 33 900 90 000
Reserve for stabilityd
Reserve for extra governmental measures 90 000 100 000
National reserve 170 000
Reserves 123 900 360 000
Contribution to the EU-budget 258 143 233 048 101.2 90.3 264 337 234 858 100.8 88.8
Expenditures related to state property 106 355 622 619 770.4 585.4 127 586 137 423 22.1 107.7
Reserve for interest risks 98 000
Debt Assumption 375 249 930 342 116.5 66 736.9
Total expenditurese 8 894 211 10 048 201 108.0 113.0 10 046 607 9 996 840 99.5 99.5
*Source: Ministry for National Economy.  bIncluding personal income tax ceded to local governments.  cUntil 2009 with debt service.  dUntil 2008 Central safety reserve.  eIncluding personal income tax ceded to local governments. Until 2009 including expenditures of international transactions and until 2012 consumer price subsidy. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011