3.7.3. Central government expenditures (2005–)*(5/8)

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Revenues, balance 2013 2014
budget estimates completion as a % of 2012 as a % of budget estimates of 2013 budget estimates completion as a % of 2013 as a % of budget estimates of 2014
million HUF million HUF
Special and normative subsidies 268 722 279 903 107.9 104.2 282 574 283 636 101.3 100.4
Support to the public media 68 558 66 590 107.7 97.1 69 861 69 888 105.0 100.0
Consumer price subsidy 93 000 94 823 102.0 104 000 103 244 108.9 99.3
Housing subsidy 201 500 131 862 106.3 65.4 159 200 127 960 97.0 80.4
Family benefits 452 529 434 616 97.5 96.0 446 219 421 025 96.9 94.4
Provisions under age limit 283 395 223 498 79.8 78.9 175 556 173 394 77.6 98.8
Income supplement benefits 63 714 62 289 99.4 97.8 66 822 63 765 102.4 95.4
Other specific subsidies 29 950 25 895 90.9 86.5 25 940 24 732 95.5 95.3
Family benefits, social allowances 829 588 746 298 91.3 90.0 714 536 682 916 91.5 95.6
Central budgetary institutions and chapter-administered appropriations 5 400 019 6 670 575 132.2 123.5 6 421 246 7 361 918 110.4 114.6
Transfer to extrabudgetary funds 126 620 272 144 287.8 214.9 116 923 119 735 44.0 102.4
Guarantee and contribution to social security funds' expenditures 1 066 473 986 565 142.8 92.5 917 386 892 121 90.4 97.2
Transfer to local governmentsb 636 450 674 808 63.3 106.0 715 855 723 641 107.2 101.1
Subsidy for local governments' debt repayments 33 949 44.7 64 000 68 754 202.5 107.4
Transfer to local governments 1 829 543 1 933 518 104.4 105.7 1 814 164 1 804 251 93.3 99.5
Interest expendituresc 1 237 236 1 277 897 106.3 103.3 1 165 015 1 345 850 105.3 115.5
Transfer to social self-organizing units 3 810 3 810 100.0 100.0 9 810 10 836 284.4 110.5
Extraordinary government expenditures 52 533 148 650 342.9 283.0 127 121 139 055 93.5 109.4
Redeemed government guarantees 30 232 27 068 66.3 89.5 32 320 18 949 70.0 58.6
General reserve
Special reserve 76 150
Reserve for stabilityd
Reserve for extra governmental measures 100 000 113 000
National reserve 400 000 100 000
Reserves 599 529 289 150
Contribution to the EU-budget 276 986 272 336 116.0 98.3 288 679 290 867 106.8 100.8
Expenditures related to state property 174 090 260 274 189.4 149.5 174 090 398 710 153.2 229.0
Reserve for interest risks
Debt Assumption
Total expenditurese 11 065 346 11 947 552 119.5 108.0 11 651 765 12 638 080 105.8 108.5
*Source: Ministry for National Economy.  bIncluding personal income tax ceded to local governments.  cUntil 2009 with debt service.  dUntil 2008 Central safety reserve.  eIncluding personal income tax ceded to local governments. Until 2009 including expenditures of international transactions and until 2012 consumer price subsidy. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011