Denomination 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
1. Current account, net -3,672 -4,586 -6,206 -7,632 -6,538 -6,671 -7,408 -7,750 -685 272 577 1,597 3,570 1,260 2,648 5,209 2,536 216 -1,195 -1,571 -6,553 -14,096 431
1.A. Goods and services, net -670 -1,079 -2,915 -2,701 -957 -878 506 376 3,801 5,247 6,243 6,776 7,123 6,712 8,959 10,084 8,659 5,800 3,402 2,670 313 -7,383 10,106
1.A.a. Goods, net -3,931 -3,062 -4,043 -3,738 -2,050 -2,200 -532 -996 2,561 2,524 2,853 2,933 3,331 2,125 4,052 3,958 1,712 -2,280 -3,687 -1,334 -4,444 -15,236 279
Credit 29,838 32,769 34,026 41,941 48,389 56,768 66,778 71,774 56,771 66,068 71,721 69,961 70,243 73,826 78,477 78,588 85,285 88,544 92,525 88,655 100,269 122,214 126,131
Debit 33,768 35,831 38,068 45,679 50,439 58,968 67,310 72,770 54,209 63,543 68,868 67,028 66,912 71,701 74,425 74,630 83,573 90,824 96,212 89,990 104,712 137,450 125,852
1.A.b. Services, net 3,261 1,984 1,128 1,037 1,093 1,322 1,038 1,372 1,239 2,723 3,390 3,844 3,792 4,587 4,907 6,126 6,947 8,080 7,089 4,004 4,757 7,853 9,827
Credit 9,641 9,436 9,448 9,549 10,563 11,172 12,892 14,139 13,496 14,833 16,201 16,163 17,041 18,768 20,286 21,878 23,817 25,396 26,918 19,889 22,800 29,920 33,377
Debit 6,381 7,452 8,320 8,513 9,470 9,850 11,853 12,768 12,256 12,111 12,811 12,320 13,249 14,181 15,378 15,753 16,870 17,316 19,828 15,885 18,043 22,067 23,550
1.A.b.4. Travel, net 2,780 1,848 1,459 1,422 1,733 2,131 1,883 2,268 2,360 2,495 2,535 2,478 2,605 2,888 3,148 3,166 3,307 3,612 4,063 1,811 2,302 3,097 3,932
Credit 4,803 4,101 3,748 3,380 3,557 3,623 3,739 4,451 4,334 4,317 4,318 3,951 4,041 4,419 4,798 5,120 5,483 5,851 6,515 2,839 3,533 5,373 7,358
Debit 2,022 2,252 2,289 1,958 1,825 1,492 1,856 2,183 1,974 1,822 1,782 1,473 1,437 1,531 1,650 1,954 2,176 2,239 2,452 1,028 1,231 2,277 3,426
1.B. Primary income, net -3,381 -3,994 -3,833 -4,708 -5,283 -5,328 -7,276 -7,239 -4,136 -4,526 -4,941 -4,249 -2,912 -4,625 -5,131 -3,131 -5,021 -5,037 -3,726 -3,565 -5,247 -5,074 -7,095
1.B.1. Compensation of employees, net 28 1 -31 42 24 68 4 173 455 718 1,014 1,693 2,290 2,332 2,759 2,823 2,627 2,437 2,656 2,002 1,649 2,230 2,600
1.B.2. Investment income, net -3,409 -3,995 -3,801 -4,996 -5,780 -6,077 -7,933 -8,128 -5,634 -6,250 -7,252 -7,230 -6,612 -8,282 -9,180 -7,057 -8,869 -8,674 -7,524 -6,756 -7,970 -8,330 -11,041
1.B.2.1. Direct investment income, net -2,549 -3,233 -2,996 -3,784 -4,154 -4,418 -5,640 -5,071 -3,438 -4,318 -4,806 -4,533 -4,056 -5,875 -7,080 -5,299 -7,344 -7,349 -6,312 -5,982 -7,106 -6,535 -7,719
1.B.2.2. Portfolio investment income, net -448 -489 -538 -998 -1,307 -1,298 -1,681 -2,280 -1,673 -1,637 -1,962 -2,274 -2,387 -2,329 -2,074 -1,706 -1,469 -1,315 -1,249 -772 -805 -1,299 -2,244
1.B.2.3. Other investment income, net -411 -273 -267 -214 -320 -360 -612 -1,496 -1,265 -1,098 -1,356 -1,216 -817 -612 -427 -303 -244 -203 -206 -222 -211 -724 -1,773
1.B.2.4. Reserve assets income, net 719 742 802 872 793 648 533 401 252 187 192 242 220 152 228 695
1.B.3. Other primary income, net 246 473 681 653 716 1,042 1,006 1,297 1,288 1,410 1,324 1,290 1,103 1,221 1,200 1,142 1,189 1,075 1,025 1,347
1.C. Secondary income, net 379 487 541 -223 -297 -464 -638 -887 -349 -450 -725 -930 -641 -827 -1,180 -1,744 -1,102 -547 -871 -675 -1,619 -1,638 -2,580
2. Capital account, net 358 202 -32 58 599 685 723 1,032 1,654 1,808 2,394 2,549 3,852 3,908 5,160 -21 1,075 3,063 2,747 2,864 3,806 3,498 1,909
3. Financial account (net assets) -3,223 -3,893 -4,681 -8,590 -8,199 -7,449 -6,087 -8,601 108 1,086 570 4,521 6,360 4,497 6,658 3,549 1,866 1,319 165 -2,352 -6,905 -15,291 -1,923
3.1. Direct investment (net assets) -3,947 -2,615 27 -2,324 -4,364 -1,879 383 -2,445 -259 -835 -1,076 -2,183 -1,232 -3,078 -1,438 -2,563 -2,037 -2,612 -879 -2,210 -3,752 -5,003 -2,547
3.1.k. Direct investment (assets) 571 1,236 3,635 1,322 2,556 4,029 6,964 4,255 5,697 646 3,520 2,375 3,892 4,186 5,753 -8,414 4,987 4,059 1,950 826 5,024 9,061 646
3.1.1.k. Equity 405 493 1,808 1,045 1,985 3,329 3,105 1,845 859 1,012 359 12,823 1,377 3,088 -14,746 -6,277 211 3,347 2,655 3,885 2,566 2,806 2,407
3.1.t. Direct investment (liabilities) 4,518 3,851 3,608 3,646 6,920 5,908 6,581 6,701 5,956 1,481 4,596 4,558 5,124 7,264 7,192 -5,851 7,024 6,671 2,829 3,037 8,776 14,064 3,193
3.1.1.t. Equity 2,575 3,068 1,123 3,309 5,884 2,834 3,118 4,241 -1,684 3,091 4,555 6,007 4,389 4,838 5,258 -827 8,405 4,713 5,465 2,337 798 6,860 5,968
3.2. Portfolio investment (net assets) -1,612 -1,677 -2,207 -5,432 -3,726 -5,120 1,551 2,822 3,512 261 -6,514 -1,543 -3,101 3,313 5,657 4,823 3,761 -185 1,545 -2,481 435 -4,242 -9,094
3.2.k Assets 169 63 -9 472 963 1,733 2,094 2,517 736 380 -1,652 -786 -378 1,946 391 999 1,916 -140 258 624 2,822 2,240 5,797
3.2.t Liabilities 1,781 1,740 2,198 5,904 4,689 6,853 543 -305 -2,776 118 4,862 757 2,723 -1,367 -5,265 -3,823 -1,845 44 -1,286 3,105 2,387 6,483 14,891
3.3. Financial derivatives and employee stock options -130 -156 -230 -334 113 -135 -838 671 -641 -625 787 -306 -618 265 -686 53 -1,050 -933 10 -439 -561 -2,294 2,073
3.4. Other investment 2,525 2,521 -2,803 -2,029 -4,130 -1,284 -7,317 -17,325 -9,071 -733 3,499 11,904 10,102 3,258 8,038 7,335 1,163 1,450 -833 -3,150 -6,815 -4,562 5,047
3.4.k Assets 3,042 1,898 2,442 1,362 1,997 4,813 3,947 2,307 467 -21 -1,757 -1,832 -122 -699 5,471 6,229 1,750 2,666 935 1,738 4,123 8,946 1,957
3.4.t Liabilities 517 -623 5,245 3,391 6,127 6,097 11,264 19,632 9,538 712 -5,257 -13,737 -10,224 -3,957 -2,567 -1,107 588 1,216 1,768 4,888 10,938 13,508 -3,090
3.5.k. Reserve assets -60 -1,965 532 1,528 3,908 968 134 7,676 6,567 3,018 3,874 -3,351 1,210 740 -4,913 -6,100 28 3,598 322 5,930 3,788 810 2,599
4. Net errors and omissions 92 490 1,558 -1,016 -2,260 -1,464 598 -1,883 -861 -994 -2,402 376 -1,061 -671 -1,150 -1,640 -1,746 -1,960 -1,388 -3,645 -4,158 -4,693 -4,263
Net external financing capacity
Top-down approach (current and capital account balance) -3,315 -4,383 -6,238 -7,574 -5,939 -5,985 -6,685 -6,718 970 2,079 2,971 4,146 7,422 5,168 7,808 5,188 3,611 3,279 1,552 1,293 -2,746 -10,598 2,340
Bottom-up approach (financial account balance) -3,223 -3,893 -4,681 -8,590 -8,199 -7,449 -6,087 -8,601 108 1,086 570 4,521 6,360 4,497 6,658 3,549 1,866 1,319 165 -2,352 -6,905 -15,291 -1,923


*Excluding SPEs.
Source: National Bank of Hungary (MNB).