In June-August 2024, the employment rate for 15-64 year olds was 75.2%, with the employment rate for men slightly down on a year earlier at 78.9% and for women up to 71.4%

Changes in employment rate by sex
Last update: 10/03/2024

In June-August 2024, the employment rate increased or stagnated in the majority of counties compared to the same period of the previous year

Employment rate of persons aged 15–64 years, and its change compared to the same period of the previous year, by county, June-August 2024
( 3-month average data)

Last update: 10/03/2024

The average number of people employed in August 2024 was 4 million 748 thousand, 39 thousand more than a year earlier

Number of employed persons aged 15–74 years, by month*
Last update: 10/03/2024

In July 2024, there were 99.9 thousand people employed with foreign citizenship, 6.4 thousand more than in the same period of the previous year. The increase was registered among third-country nationals

Number of employees of foreign citizenship among employers in Hungary*
Last update: 09/26/2024

The number of employed persons increased in the majority of sections, but decreased significantly (by 12.5 thousand) in manufacturing

Number of employed persons by section*
Last update: 09/26/2024

In June-August 2024, the unemployment rate for 15-74 year-olds increased by 0.2 percentage points to 4.3% compared to the same period of the previous year, for men it rose by 0.3 percentage points to 4.3%, while for women it remained essentially unchanged at 4.2%

Unemployment rate change by sexes
Last update: 10/03/2024

In June-August 2024, the unemployment rate increased by 0.2 percentage points to 4.3% compared to a year earlier, rising or stagnating in the majority of counties

Unemployment rate of 15–64-year-olds, and its change compared to the same period of the previous year, by county, June-August 2024
(3-month average data)
Last update: 10/03/2024

The number of unemployed in August 2024 was 210 thousand, 15 thousand more than a year earlier

Monthly change in the number of unemployed persons aged 15-74*
Last update: 10/03/2024

In June-August 2024, the potential labour reserve included 315 thousand people, 9 thousand more than a year earlier

Potential labour reserve within population aged 15–74 years
Last update: 10/03/2024

In the second quarter of 2024, the decline in the number of job vacancies stopped

Number of job vacancies by sector*
Last update: 09/12/2024