Year Wheat, ton Maize, shelled, tonsa Barley, ton Sunflower seed, tona Coleseed, ton Potatoes, ton Onion, ton Tomatoes, ton Green peas, ton Green beans, ton Cabbage, ton Sweet pepper, ton Apple, ton Pear, ton Cherry, ton Sour cherry, ton Plum and greengage, ton Peach, ton Grapes, ton Cattle for slaughterb Sheep for slaughter, ton Pigs for slaughterc Poultry for slaughter, ton Hen's eggs, million pieces
heads ton thousands ton
2016 2,894,635 3,544,463 557,146 763,775 598,422 17,756 7,354 68,705 53,155 5,206 8,742 33,951 254,406 4,460 1,988 40,958 12,291 5,023 130,383 53,212 22,922 5,601 4,305 494,314 538,172 273
2017 2,591,877 3,149,567 514,635 703,469 410,966 17,653 5,701 159,671 56,127 5,848 8,415 38,658 193,797 4,797 1,852 32,761 6,996 8,304 128,393 48,913 22,513 6,335 4,165 474,677 502,000 240
2018 2,625,361 3,549,177 349,804 838,672 501,670 14,321 4,795 173,021 38,884 4,420 6,545 30,868 339,379 5,826 2,148 42,616 8,659 2,636 140,678 47,386 22,506 7,480 3,944 451,124 531,208 236
2019 2,601,420 4,048,994 428,428 841,959 490,952 13,542 5,580 112,829 37,537 2,783 7,136 33,392 166,991 2,637 1,381 23,902 8,819 4,662 79,320 46,270 22,500 6,952 3,736 435,159 564,032 278
2020 2,672,661 4,326,507 640,611 644,827 427,811 13,672 6,457 128,013 41,750 5,864 7,257 31,131 176,757 3,631 1,092 31,394 2,159 1,362 81,015 47,462 23,900 6,195 3,719 434,708 573,711 277
2021 2,669,336 3,176,320 731,615 637,213 383,013 14,163 8,200 114,655 45,496 4,358 7,747 34,824 239,227 5,329 1,527 27,314 7,724 691 87,093 56,601 25,961 6,635 3,851 452,040 613,665 300
2022 2,249,401 1,879,844 561,298 562,605 222,787 12,630 8,205 111,621 40,154 4,547 8,522 33,517 121,418 3,351 2,109 31,823 7,471 1,374 90,614 44,294 23,360 4,663 3,597 416,070 553,110 339
2023 3,327,226 2,476,145 854,488 895,735 391,661 10,864 7,358 92,306 50,536 6,399 8,881 34,596 234,214 3,149 944 22,338 8,374 195 80,707 39,015 20,471 4,702 3,470 403,303 567,986 383


aExcluding hybrid seed for sowing.
bExcluding calves for slaughter.
cExcluding farrows and piglets for slaughter.