Year Domestic consumption of liquors Consumption per capita
liquors alcoholic drinks totala coffee tea tobacco
1000 absolute litresb absolute litres kg dkg kg
1970 27,944 2.7 9.1 1.6 7.2 2.2
1975 38,055 3.6 10.1 2.6 8.1 2.3
1980 49,741 4.7 11.7 2.9 10.1 2.4
1981 53,165 5.0 11.5 3.1 9.2 2.3
1982 51,009 4.8 11.6 3.1 9.5 2.2
1983 51,555 4.8 11.4 2.9 11.2 2.2
1984 54,337 5.1 11.7 2.9 11.2 2.2
1985 57,802 5.5 11.6 2.9 11.4 2.1
1986 55,616 5.3 11.5 3.1 11.5 2.2
1987 49,705 4.7 10.8 2.9 12.9 2.1
1988 47,147 4.5 10.5 2.9 13.1 2.1
1989 52,276 5.0 11.3 2.6 12.6 2.2
1990 44,004 4.3 11.1 2.6 13.5 2.0
1991 40,000 3.9 10.7 2.7 13.1 1.8
1992 38,000 3.7 10.5 2.6 12.9 1.7
1993 37,401 3.6 10.5 2.8 14.3 1.6
1994 36,000 3.5 10.4 2.7 14.8 1.6
1995 35,000 3.4 9.9 2.3 15.8 1.5
1996 33,000 3.2 10.2 2.4 15.3 1.4
1997 31,648 3.1 10.3 2.7 17.6 1.5
1998 31,981 3.1 10.0 2.0 19.1 1.6
1999 31,209 3.0 9.9 2.4 16.8 1.6
2000 32,457 3.2 10.0 2.8 20.3 1.5
2001 34,954 3.4 11.0 2.8 27.8 1.5
2002 34,744 3.4 11.1 2.8 31.0 1.5
2003 35,821 3.5 11.1 2.8 32.9 1.5
2004 36,099 3.6 11.1 2.7 31.9 1.4
2005 35,400 3.5 11.0 2.7 27.7 1.4
2006 36,672 3.6 11.2 2.8 27.8 1.5
2007 34,921 3.5 10.7 2.7 25.8 1.5
2008 35,482 3.5 10.0 2.6 28.4 1.6
2009 34,598 3.4 9.8 2.5 25.2 1.6
2010 31,418 3.1 9.2 2.3 22.7 1.4
2011 32,592 3.3 9.7 2.2 18.2 1.5
2012 32,943 3.3 9.5 2.2 18.8 1.5
2013 31,626 3.2 9.1 2.1 19.1 1.4
2014 34,476 3.5 9.3 2.2 20.1 1.3
2015 30,084 3.1 9.2 2.3 20.5 1.4
2016 31,493 3.2 9.5 2.4 21.6 1.3
2017 29,707 3.0 9.1 2.6 21.5 1.2
2018 33,688 3.4 9.7 2.7 18.8 1.3
2019 30,958 3.2 9.1 2.7 19.5 1.3
2020 30,516 3.1 8.9 2.7 14.9 1.3
2021 33,322 3.4 9.0 2.9 12.9 1.2
2022 35,127 3.6 9.2 2.8 14.0 1.3
2023 32,149 3.3 8.8 2.7 12.8 1.2


aAt the conversion into abs. litres the following average alcohol contents were taken into consideration: wine 11,5%, beer until 1991 3,5, in 1992 3,65, in 1993 4,0, in 1994 4,3, in 1995 4,6, and from 1996 5,0%.
bConverted into 100° alcohol.