Year Meata Fishb Milk and dairy productsc Eggsd Fatse Flour and rice Potatoes Sugar and honey Vegetables, fruitsf Other foods of crop origin Total
1970 58.1 2.3 109.6 13.7 27.7 128.2 75.1 33.7 155.7 4.5 608.6
1975 68.5 2.7 126.6 15.2 29.1 122.2 66.8 39.6 159.2 5.3 635.2
1980 71.8 2.1 166.2 17.6 30.5 115.2 61.2 38.2 154.6 4.2 661.6
1981 73.0 2.4 171.5 17.4 31.0 113.4 59.1 35.8 153.7 4.1 661.4
1982 74.6 2.2 174.8 17.1 31.8 113.1 57.0 38.4 158.3 4.1 671.4
1983 75.8 2.6 181.4 18.2 32.9 111.4 57.9 36.0 155.3 4.2 675.7
1984 75.5 2.5 185.0 17.8 33.5 111.3 59.3 34.6 148.7 4.1 672.3
1985 77.4 2.2 183.2 18.2 34.1 110.8 54.5 35.9 147.5 4.0 667.8
1986 78.9 2.1 185.6 17.8 34.1 110.1 50.4 36.2 150.1 4.1 669.4
1987 79.2 2.1 199.1 18.2 37.6 113.0 50.5 40.5 154.3 4.1 698.6
1988 76.4 2.3 195.6 20.0 37.0 109.3 56.2 34.7 162.1 4.0 697.6
1989 78.2 2.8 189.6 20.2 39.2 112.2 55.2 40.9 159.6 4.0 701.9
1990 73.1 2.7 169.7 21.6 38.6 110.3 61.0 38.6 155.4 3.3 674.3
1991 71.5 2.6 167.4 19.8 37.0 102.6 55.3 35.4 154.2 4.0 649.9
1992 73.0 2.9 159.1 18.8 37.5 105.6 56.0 39.9 157.3 4.1 654.1
1993 67.5 3.0 144.2 20.3 36.8 97.4 59.3 36.2 160.5 4.0 629.2
1994 65.9 3.1 140.0 18.8 38.1 91.3 58.2 34.6 155.5 3.9 609.3
1995 62.5 2.7 132.1 16.5 36.7 88.2 60.3 37.8 148.4 3.7 588.9
1996 59.4 2.5 136.4 14.8 35.7 84.6 66.2 40.3 152.9 4.0 596.6
1997 58.1 2.7 156.4 14.8 36.1 88.1 65.3 40.2 159.2 4.1 625.0
1998 60.9 2.8 149.6 14.7 36.2 84.1 67.4 42.1 161.9 4.9 624.4
1999 60.5 2.8 151.7 15.2 34.2 90.4 68.0 38.3 161.6 5.2 627.9
2000 70.2 3.0 160.6 15.3 39.0 94.1 64.0 33.6 217.7 4.1 701.6
2001 67.5 2.9 144.2 15.8 37.4 95.4 68.2 33.2 209.9 3.7 678.2
2002 72.3 3.1 143.1 16.7 39.0 87.8 65.3 32.9 203.2 4.4 667.8
2003 68.6 3.3 138.3 16.5 39.2 88.3 64.5 33.2 200.5 4.6 657.0
2004 60.9 3.4 155.2 16.7 36.0 89.4 68.0 33.2 211.4 4.6 678.8
2005 63.5 3.6 166.8 16.0 36.5 97.3 66.8 31.6 194.8 4.3 681.2
2006 65.9 3.7 163.1 15.6 37.7 92.0 61.8 32.5 210.6 4.4 687.3
2007 63.2 3.8 163.5 15.4 37.4 88.3 59.7 31.4 194.1 4.4 661.2
2008 61.5 3.8 158.2 14.9 36.8 88.9 65.5 32.1 208.9 4.4 675.0
2009 61.7 3.7 155.9 14.4 36.6 88.4 60.8 30.3 209.3 4.3 665.4
2010 56.7 3.5 156.8 13.7 34.6 88.2 60.5 29.2 190.0 4.4 637.6
2011 55.8 3.6 152.3 12.6 34.4 84.9 63.5 28.4 177.9 4.1 617.5
2012 56.4 3.5 156.2 12.5 33.6 85.0 62.3 27.8 174.1 3.4 614.8
2013 55.5 3.7 147.5 12.4 33.1 85.0 58.6 28.5 186.5 3.9 614.7
2014 58.6 5.7 156.7 12.8 34.6 84.2 63.0 29.0 199.2 4.0 647.8
2015 63.9 6.0 165.6 13.3 36.3 83.8 60.6 30.8 202.6 4.4 667.3
2016 66.4 6.0 169.0 13.6 37.3 88.4 59.4 31.5 204.4 4.5 680.5
2017 71.2 6.4 165.5 13.8 37.3 90.4 56.8 33.0 200.8 4.8 680.0
2018 75.8 6.6 166.2 13.9 38.4 91.6 58.3 32.7 205.1 5.2 693.8
2019 76.5 6.4 175.3 14.1 39.6 91.9 56.0 32.9 200.8 5.4 698.9
2020 72.5 6.4 170.1 13.9 38.4 94.3 59.3 33.0 189.9 5.9 683.7
2021 71.1 6.5 175.4 13.7 39.7 94.4 55.0 35.0 200.1 6.2 697.1
2022 69.7 6.7 161.1 14.1 39.0 100.6 56.3 36.9 181.1 6.3 671.8
2023 72.3 5.8 175.0 13.6 38.0 97.2 52.2 34.8 201.4 5.5 695.8


*All product groups in raw material weight, including processed products.
aPork, beef, horse and sheep meat, offal, poultry meat; from 1970 also game, goat, rabbit. Methodological changes have been made in 2005. For the sake of comparability data of the year 2004 have been revised.
bFrom 2014 the amount of fish has been calculated in live weight. See Methodological notes.
cExcluding butter.
dThe average weight of 18 eggs = 1 kg.
eLard and poultry fats, butter, vegetable oils, margarine.
fVegetables, domestic and tropical fruits. From 2000 the processed products are calculated in fresh weight.