Name Level 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
of territorial units
Agricultural land prices
Budapest capital, regiona ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Pest county, regionb .. 486,800 541,400 581,600 635,400 746,200 851,500 925,600 1,280,900 1,257,400 1,170,400 1,334,100 1,431,600 1,551,700 1,857,800
Central Hungary large regionc .. 486,800 541,400 581,600 635,400 753,800 855,700 938,600 1,285,800 1,268,800 1,186,600 1,354,400 1,477,000 1,748,800 1,967,900
Fejér county .. 721,100 670,300 741,700 853,300 971,000 1,088,400 1,229,900 1,442,300 1,594,800 1,715,500 1,804,200 1,961,900 2,030,400 2,380,300
Komárom-Esztergom county .. 618,000 688,500 634,500 709,700 854,500 938,200 943,300 1,284,000 1,308,800 1,245,000 1,384,300 1,537,300 1,719,200 1,904,000
Veszprém county .. 480,800 487,900 536,500 611,500 677,600 917,100 824,800 1,065,200 1,040,700 1,152,300 1,192,000 1,333,100 1,528,000 1,737,900
Central Transdanubia region .. 621,200 627,400 658,300 745,200 836,800 985,100 1,044,900 1,331,400 1,329,000 1,469,000 1,504,800 1,668,000 1,779,500 2,024,500
Győr-Moson-Sopron county .. 594,200 608,800 701,500 840,400 1,045,200 1,111,200 1,290,700 1,734,300 1,543,100 1,718,400 1,858,100 2,006,100 2,171,400 2,346,900
Vas county .. 545,500 616,100 639,900 721,400 944,300 1,141,000 1,053,500 1,339,000 1,277,400 1,316,400 1,336,900 1,551,700 1,849,000 1,858,900
Zala county .. 503,800 420,100 489,000 620,600 640,800 787,800 828,300 1,097,200 927,600 1,056,000 1,045,700 1,149,600 1,190,200 1,415,700
Western Transdanubia region .. 556,100 572,500 628,200 739,900 916,800 1,049,000 1,113,700 1,512,200 1,317,300 1,426,700 1,503,800 1,644,500 1,807,600 1,877,400
Baranya county .. 485,100 510,700 604,700 725,800 855,000 974,700 1,038,800 1,276,400 1,326,100 1,539,500 1,609,800 1,675,800 1,772,900
Somogy county .. 445,400 482,000 624,500 677,300 719,400 874,000 963,700 1,146,900 1,084,200 1,310,600 1,343,500 1,494,100 1,575,100 1,711,500
Tolna county .. 585,700 681,100 833,600 881,700 1,068,600 1,124,100 1,281,800 1,699,000 1,756,100 1,974,900 1,970,800 2,198,500 2,428,200 2,677,200
Southern Transdanubia region .. 495,700 547,500 671,800 738,600 832,400 954,700 1,070,300 1,296,200 1,407,300 1,597,600 1,640,100 1,759,800 1,911,300 2,172,000
Transdanubia large region .. 550,400 578,300 655,000 740,900 858,400 991,300 1,075,600 1,374,600 1,357,200 1,508,000 1,559,600 1,697,600 1,841,000 2,038,500
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county .. 341,100 368,600 432,800 504,300 595,100 660,000 667,400 882,200 920,900 995,800 1,064,800 1,167,700 1,322,000 1,525,800
Heves county .. 336,600 389,200 430,100 513,800 577,900 750,100 733,600 927,300 1,016,500 987,400 1,038,300 1,149,900 1,238,700 1,468,200
Nógrád county .. 271,200 383,900 326,900 335,700 417,400 502,500 550,600 727,000 734,900 759,800 862,200 937,000 1,192,800 1,231,900
Northern Hungary region .. 330,300 377,800 411,900 474,500 546,500 671,500 669,400 867,700 925,100 944,900 1,028,800 1,128,700 1,275,800 1,459,400
Hajdú-Bihar county .. 629,900 634,700 847,000 851,100 1,116,400 1,268,600 1,317,200 1,566,000 1,770,600 2,102,400 2,262,600 2,519,100 2,440,800 2,538,700
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county .. 364,300 403,200 455,400 594,900 698,500 783,500 834,700 1,074,600 1,094,900 1,146,200 1,261,000 1,429,800 1,648,500 1,957,200
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county .. 401,700 443,500 467,000 567,200 636,000 714,700 931,400 1,152,000 1,201,900 1,376,100 1,473,600 1,598,700 1,848,700 1,989,900
Northern Great Plain region .. 432,600 450,000 511,100 662,200 815,100 902,100 1,060,200 1,275,500 1,362,900 1,564,100 1,672,900 1,886,000 1,977,700 2,132,300
Bács-Kiskun county .. 410,500 455,500 529,500 675,500 745,800 924,600 1,035,900 1,377,100 1,439,600 1,530,500 1,627,700 1,693,300 1,986,600 2,080,500
Békés county .. 643,000 638,900 720,400 848,300 990,100 1,195,400 1,323,800 1,448,200 1,745,300 1,930,600 2,130,600 2,239,700 2,460,900 2,646,500
Csongrád-Csanád county .. 468,300 510,000 582,700 675,000 798,400 952,800 1,059,800 1,371,200 1,382,700 1,528,500 1,669,200 1,739,500 1,781,000 2,020,100
Southern Great Plain region .. 520,000 541,200 609,000 736,900 835,200 1,031,400 1,161,600 1,396,200 1,530,400 1,695,900 1,831,000 1,916,700 2,100,000 2,263,300
Great Plain and North large region .. 449,900 474,700 533,400 657,700 772,000 912,400 1,028,000 1,254,100 1,356,300 1,509,400 1,625,100 1,765,600 1,906,200 2,069,600
Total country .. 491,200 519,300 583,700 688,400 804,200 939,200 1,040,400 1,302,400 1,350,600 1,486,700 1,581,500 1,718,500 1,869,800 2,050,300
Rental prices
Budapest capital, regiona ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Pest county, regionb 19,400 22,000 21,400 24,800 30,000 29,400 31,900 35,000 38,500 39,000 40,500 42,600 46,500 55,100 61,700
Central Hungary large regionc 20,600 23,300 22,100 25,300 31,500 33,200 35,600 39,200 38,600 38,800 40,500 42,500 46,500 55,000 61,500
Fejér county 26,400 27,900 32,400 36,300 41,400 42,700 44,400 45,900 51,600 54,600 58,700 60,600 67,400 74,400 83,600
Komárom-Esztergom county 21,300 21,900 26,200 29,200 35,600 36,200 38,800 41,100 47,900 50,500 56,800 58,300 65,900 70,700 81,100
Veszprém county 15,900 16,900 20,100 22,500 28,800 29,000 28,500 30,400 33,100 35,600 38,500 42,200 44,300 57,000 67,300
Central Transdanubia region 22,600 23,400 27,600 30,900 36,700 37,600 38,800 40,500 45,800 48,600 52,800 55,100 61,200 69,500 78,900
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 24,700 25,900 27,200 31,100 37,700 39,500 39,600 47,700 49,700 51,700 53,100 55,900 61,300 69,900 79,200
Vas county 19,000 20,600 24,500 29,800 35,400 38,400 39,700 40,600 43,000 44,500 48,000 52,800 55,700 61,100 72,200
Zala county 18,100 20,300 22,100 25,300 29,200 32,400 34,700 38,500 40,300 42,100 43,200 46,200 48,600 53,800 66,300
Western Transdanubia region 21,300 23,200 25,200 29,300 35,200 37,600 38,600 43,600 45,300 47,100 49,200 52,700 56,500 63,300 74,000
Baranya county 28,400 30,800 33,100 36,300 43,600 47,600 50,400 52,900 54,700 58,500 60,800 65,700 72,700 80,800 85,600
Somogy county 25,600 27,900 32,200 35,200 39,500 45,100 47,700 50,100 54,300 57,500 61,400 65,600 68,500 76,500 86,200
Tolna county 38,100 39,500 44,300 48,100 51,000 55,500 58,600 60,500 65,900 70,100 75,500 80,400 87,000 91,300 100,600
Southern Transdanubia region 30,400 32,600 36,600 39,800 44,400 49,000 51,800 54,100 57,900 61,600 65,500 70,100 75,400 82,500 90,300
Transdanubia large region 25,200 26,800 30,300 33,800 39,300 42,400 44,200 47,100 50,700 53,500 56,900 60,500 65,800 73,100 82,200
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 19,500 18,000 22,100 25,100 30,500 29,700 32,200 32,900 37,000 38,300 42,500 45,100 48,200 58,300 68,100
Heves county 18,400 19,700 21,800 24,600 30,300 31,900 32,600 36,700 37,900 36,200 38,400 42,900 45,300 52,300 66,500
Nógrád county 11,700 12,900 14,100 14,900 18,300 17,600 20,800 21,500 27,700 31,500 35,900 38,100 41,200 43,300 48,700
Northern Hungary region 18,200 18,000 21,300 23,800 29,100 29,100 31,100 32,900 36,100 36,800 40,400 43,600 46,500 54,800 65,400
Hajdú-Bihar county 30,000 32,200 33,100 37,600 49,200 53,000 55,000 58,900 66,300 70,900 75,500 80,100 85,700 98,200 105,600
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 20,800 21,100 23,500 27,200 30,700 32,200 32,900 35,800 38,900 42,300 44,800 48,400 52,300 61,700 67,800
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 28,400 27,700 33,600 40,800 42,300 42,800 48,100 55,100 59,700 64,800 70,900 80,300 85,100 86,900 88,900
Northern Great Plain region 24,500 25,900 28,600 32,400 38,800 40,800 42,700 46,600 51,300 55,300 59,100 64,000 68,700 77,600 83,400
Bács-Kiskun county 28,200 28,500 31,600 35,800 41,900 45,200 48,200 51,100 55,500 57,900 61,200 67,700 71,000 78,600 88,700
Békés county 27,800 29,200 32,200 37,800 43,000 45,200 48,800 52,200 57,000 61,200 64,500 71,300 73,600 83,700 95,700
Csongrád-Csanád county 32,500 29,300 32,800 39,900 48,100 45,000 46,200 48,100 51,200 55,600 59,100 64,100 70,000 82,200 88,100
Southern Great Plain region 29,000 28,900 32,200 37,700 43,900 45,100 47,900 50,900 55,100 58,800 62,100 68,400 71,900 81,700 91,500
Great Plain and North large region 24,800 25,400 28,500 32,700 38,800 40,000 42,300 45,300 49,500 52,600 56,200 61,200 65,100 74,200 83,100
Total country 24,600 25,900 28,900 32,800 38,600 40,600 42,700 45,700 49,400 52,300 55,700 60,000 64,400 72,700 81,600


aPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.
bPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.
cStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.
dData correction was made on 20 November 2023. The cause of the correction: query error. The previously published data was 2 080 500.