Period Goods transport Interurban passenger transport Urban passenger transport
weight of goods transported, thousand tonne freight ton-kilometres, millions number of passengers carried, thousand passenger kilometres, millions Carried passengers, thousanda Passenger kilometres, milliona
2019 Q1 75,381 15,248 161,876 6,746 549,501 2,095
Q2 80,312 15,120 160,071 8,108 527,398 2,012
Q3 82,372 14,616 143,963 8,539 508,927 1,940
Q4 73,613 13,687 159,115 7,765 530,888 2,015
2020 Q1 71,181 13,999 156,652 6,011 498,883 1,902
Q2 70,827 12,416 67,741 2,439 198,600 758
Q3 74,661 13,108 117,194 4,385 391,475 1,484
Q4 70,273 13,089 111,359 3,344 333,599 1,273
2021 Q1 72,546 14,203 94,267 2,920 286,727 1,095
Q2 77,921 14,027 102,688 3,425 307,440 1,173
Q3 81,717 13,819 113,383 5,011 373,083 1,417
Q4 77,468 13,386 130,587 5,299 419,308 1,593
2022 Q1 72,405 14,418
427,508 1,638
Q2 78,278 14,498
439,569 1,681
Q3 76,774 13,695
446,820 1,704
Q4 67,350 12,635
481,042 1,836
2023 Q1 65,055 12,841 146,494 6,200 495,276 1,886
Q2 69,317 12,763 152,120 7,384 487,234 1,852
Q3 72,500 12,580 178,342 7,760 477,566 1,815
Q4 67,211 11,747 173,530 7,597 506,511 1,944


aExcluding taxi.
bData was corrected on 03/08/2024.