Region Settlement type 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Second hand dwellings
Budapest capital 645 629 643 640 662 683 703 725 794 855 886 873 891 887 881 882 918
Pest towns 375 363 383 381 437 445 464 511 543 556 567 562 557 559 548 553 585
Pest villages 223 224 238 211 293 287 292 354 347 369 352 329 320 332 336 335 337
Pest together 328 321 341 330 397 395 411 462 482 494 494 484 488 488 487 493 515
Central Transdanubia county seats 378 361 379 372 407 431 448 467 523 565 567 549 559 564 572 567 602
Central Transdanubia towns 254 264 279 263 291 306 315 328 371 395 394 387 409 402 422 423 445
Central Transdanubia villages 141 141 158 146 180 182 186 189 222 225 218 223 225 225 239 249 245
Central Transdanubia together 248 243 260 251 286 296 301 322 368 374 368 359 390 374 392 412 439
Western Transdanubia county seats 351 354 361 356 385 390 408 425 487 522 549 554 568 578 566 549 593
Western Transdanubia towns 269 259 278 277 297 305 335 338 379 388 414 389 421 416 418 436 462
Western Transdanubia villages 143 133 144 142 160 168 165 174 200 204 199 203 205 210 218 225 245
Western Transdanubia together 246 228 241 242 275 274 281 298 346 342 353 347 371 372 381 388 439
Southern Transdanubia county seats 282 275 289 294 308 322 340 348 398 436 452 445 461 465 475 469 492
Southern Transdanubia towns 211 208 215 217 257 255 243 268 322 309 299 305 302 319 319 342 360
Southern Transdanubia villages 82 77 86 78 92 97 98 106 112 119 113 113 110 111 114 111 121
Southern Transdanubia together 183 169 181 180 211 209 207 218 263 255 244 244 265 263 263 285 316
Northern Hungary county seats 238 231 239 235 266 282 288 299 341 357 363 355 375 370 365 364 390
Northern Hungary towns 148 138 147 148 166 169 171 184 207 209 208 206 224 223 222 234 244
Northern Hungary villages 74 68 72 69 80 82 84 86 98 102 99 94 94 104 107 107 108
Northern Hungary together 139 125 133 134 159 156 158 170 196 192 192 182 206 204 203 221 237
Northern Great Plain county seats 329 330 342 340 373 384 408 420 468 483 511 511 526 527 551 551 543
Northern Great Plain towns 126 122 127 124 146 152 156 160 184 185 192 174 192 187 195 199 213
Northern Great Plain villages 62 59 61 58 69 72 72 72 80 83 81 80 84 82 85 86 86
Northern Great Plain together 170 159 170 169 202 198 201 218 257 233 231 214 251 235 249 269 266
Southern Great Plain county seats 320 311 320 323 346 364 378 392 436 469 485 483 502 499 499 495 522
Southern Great Plain towns 132 134 136 132 156 159 164 173 194 196 194 184 197 193 200 218 222
Southern Great Plain villages 68 63 69 62 74 76 79 81 93 98 87 83 92 92 95 94 90
Southern Great Plain together 167 161 171 164 193 194 199 216 248 238 234 218 251 233 255 264 291
Country capital 645 629 643 640 662 683 703 725 794 855 886 873 891 887 881 882 918
Country county seats 315 309 321 320 348 363 377 393 443 468 485 482 497 498 504 500 524
Country towns 223 213 226 208 259 253 252 259 318 305 300 286 329 327 329 344 361
Country villages 106 99 108 97 127 124 120 124 151 148 139 133 144 148 151 157 158
Country total 295 263 284 284 332 331 332 366 422 409 407 398 433 424 428 467 521
New dwellingsa
Budapest capital 754 811 819 813 852 944 973 960 1,070 1,148 1,135 1,219 1,247 1,314 1,152 1,346 1,477
Pest towns 468 460 491 513 553 575 602 612 718 729 701 787 804 832 805 812 827
Pest villages 415 432 438 .. 502 538 .. .. 659 672 .. .. 741 721 .. .. ..
Pest together 457 453 479 496 541 566 601 610 698 714 696 790 789 798 795 798 805
Central Transdanubia county seats 491 504 .. 486 551 604 .. .. 610 697 .. 662 .. .. .. .. ..
Central Transdanubia towns 480 549 435 464 602 544 .. .. 621 646 569 .. .. .. .. .. ..
Central Transdanubia villages .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Central Transdanubia together 486 528 447 474 569 570 601 567 616 677 624 710 735 849 815 916 961
Western Transdanubia county seats 449 465 467 457 524 539 559 586 666 663 659 .. 719 767 782 780 ..
Western Transdanubia towns 390 406 428 456 501 535 529 584 609 592 628 583 .. 693 747 716 670
Western Transdanubia villages 389 370 .. .. 401 437 435 453 534 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Western Transdanubia together 423 428 447 444 490 516 522 557 613 621 631 619 662 682 738 740 718
Southern Transdanubia county seats 380 .. .. .. .. .. 534 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Southern Transdanubia towns 524 670 712 671 748 700 731 921 967 1,069 1,013 874 766 1,007 1,215 1,026 ..
Southern Transdanubia villages .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Southern Transdanubia together 445 593 661 635 702 649 697 767 858 952 917 838 765 918 1,051 929 ..
Northern Hungary county seats 388 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 549 .. .. .. .. .. ..
Northern Hungary towns .. .. .. .. .. 478 .. 474 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Northern Hungary villages .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Northern Hungary together 384 .. .. .. 447 456 452 471 512 500 527 .. .. .. .. .. ..
Northern Great Plain county seats 443 447 440 469 509 501 551 602 604 658 611 608 669 655 633 765 ..
Northern Great Plain towns 315 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 455 .. .. .. .. .. ..
Northern Great Plain villages .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Northern Great Plain together 401 428 433 454 498 484 525 556 577 606 558 583 609 645 609 730 ..
Southern Great Plain county seats 439 512 492 525 529 567 563 581 630 724 811 786 .. 714 703 .. ..
Southern Great Plain towns .. 292 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 465 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Southern Great Plain villages .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Southern Great Plain together 403 429 459 443 476 523 537 551 606 633 672 684 672 682 675 .. ..
Country capital 754 811 819 813 852 944 973 960 1,070 1,148 1,135 1,219 1,247 1,314 1,152 1,346 1,477
Country county seats 439 463 462 469 517 536 553 578 622 664 655 684 704 717 724 809 832
Country towns 431 485 529 488 562 566 634 611 706 715 663 652 715 816 830 806 851
Country villages 410 419 420 457 484 483 492 495 608 631 618 802 685 662 666 682 ..
Country total 582 629 631 627 662 745 757 741 867 932 910 966 949 968 935 1,084 1,163


aWhere data is not disclosed, the low number of transactions does not allow this.