Activity Males Females Total
1986/1987 1999/2000 2009/2010 1986/1987 1999/2000 2009/2010 1986/1987 1999/2000 2009/2010
Socially fixed activities .. 465 443 .. 504 487 .. 485 466
Income producing activity 443 413 379 332 331 311 390 374 347
Of which:
main job 486 491 461 448 446 419 470 471 442
agricultural activity (for own household) 186 194 145 142 141 113 164 170 130
Learning, self-education 306 333 319 295 330 303 301 331 311
Of which:
formal education 340 360 341 316 355 327 328 357 334
self-education 125 141 145 112 127 139 119 134 142
Household work, works around the house 72 78 113 215 197 198 164 152 163
Of which:
cooking, setting the table, serving food 31 38 42 92 96 94 77 81 78
dish washing 27 28 33 38 40 47 36 38 44
cleaning, tidying up the dwelling 41 36 45 56 57 58 53 52 55
laundry, ironing 55 59 40 87 81 62 85 80 61
sewing, mending clothing 104 66 80 107 102 104 106 101 104
works around the house 83 102 106 51 63 72 68 86 94
repair, maintenance of building, premise 219 212 207 184 229 179 210 215 202
other repair, maintenance (car, household appliance) 95 115 113 46 66 39 93 113 107
Shopping, services, household management 48 54 52 48 52 49 48 53 50
Of which:
shopping 37 41 45 38 42 43 38 41 44
Childcare (own child) 74 92 104 122 131 161 105 116 139
Physical care and supervision 48 47 62 96 80 116 84 72 100
Reading, playing 64 80 82 64 86 92 64 84 88
Joint learning 57 67 66 52 67 62 53 67 63
Transport 82 79 86 71 71 78 76 75 82
Physiologically fixed activities 669 682 717 673 683 710 671 683 713
Of which:
sleeping 507 509 504 519 520 510 513 515 507
meals 84 88 105 80 84 97 82 86 101
dressing, personal hygiene 50 57 76 47 55 72 49 56 74
Leisure activitiesa 260 311 296 221 264 251 240 287 272
Leasure time spent socially 100 107 92 90 92 84 95 100 88
Religious activities 71 82 82 74 79 74 73 80 76
Going to the movies 112 117 139 114 117 116 113 117 126
Visiting other cultural establishment 129 171 151 111 158 134 119 164 141
Reading 68 71 71 65 74 80 67 72 76
Of which:
reading a book 98 92 96 88 94 97 92 93 97
Listening to radio 78 80 62 73 72 67 77 77 64
Watching tv, video, using the internet 149 192 189 134 177 159 141 184 174
Walking, outing, sports, training 118 136 104 96 115 85 109 127 96
Of which:
sports, physical trainings 95 103 90 62 69 72 86 90 85
Hobbies, caring for plants, pets 66 81 51 80 63 54 76 71 53
Of which:
caring for houseplants, pets 38 44 39 25 38 40 29 40 40
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Number of observations, n .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Statistical population, thousand people .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


*The population aged 15–74.
aPriority activities.