Year Proportion of healthy forests based on defoliation %a Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), (gross) thousand tonnesb Emission of particulate matter with a diameter of 2,5 micrometers or less, thousand tonnesb Per capita water consumption, m³
2000 51.8 58,506 48 38.0
2001 30.5 60,109 52 36.6
2002 31.7 59,086 38 37.5
2003 28.7 61,861 46 39.0
2004 29.2 60,252 43 36.8
2005 31.0 60,401 40 36.8
2006 43.2 59,710 41 36.8
2007 51.8 58,631 41 37.4
2008 60.7 57,326 37 36.0
2009 54.8 51,542 47 35.9
2010 49.3 52,087 50 34.1
2011 61.6 50,253 56 34.1
2012 59.5 46,819 58 34.4
2013 55.6 43,670 58 33.5
2014 52.3 43,792 49 33.0
2015 50.5 46,717 51 34.0
2016 33.8 47,179 49 34.2
2017 29.9 49,580 47 34.8
2018 26.5 49,534 41 35.1
2019 31.6 49,310 38 35.7
2020 27.3 47,335 37 37.2
2021 22.9 48,564 38 38.2
2022 10.9 .. .. 38.4
2023 21.2 .. .. ..


aFrom 2007 the data are not comparable with that of the previous years, because the limits of the damage categories changed. The reason for that is the change to the international methodology (ICP Forests) including new damage categories. Source: National Land Centre Forestry Departmnet, Forest Protection Measuring and Monitoring System.
bSource: Hungarian Meteorological Service.