School year Vocational schools and special skills development schoolsa Vocational training schoolsb Secondary general schools Technicums, upper secondary vocational schoolsc
roma german roma other german slovakian croatian roma romanian serbian otherd german roma other
2010/2011 36 115 750 6 2,596 85 241 587 148 187 53 272 155 13
2011/2012 767 6 2,498 99 232 591 157 184 43 153 135 11
2012/2013 11 734 6 2,280 98 223 534 158 202 42 215 138 14
2013/2014 101 500 9 2,416 93 211 782 178 230 211 180 51 7
2014/2015 100 1 2,433 93 223 355 176 254 250 139 62 10
2015/2016 152 2,535 94 209 257 191 255 129 64 80 6
2016/2017 17 15 4 2,484 100 223 294 199 271 110 62 6
2017/2018 22 12 2,652 103 216 468 204 292 79 86 21 2
2018/2019 1 2,774 108 197 479 199 322 66 93 4
2019/2020 2,843 105 191 489 197 333 77 102 3
2020/2021 2,884 117 184 547 189 353 119 .. .. ..
2021/2022 2,963 138 179 543 193 385 127 106 ..
2022/2023 2,774 130 184 503 216 391 93 110 26


*Exluding students participating in Hungarian-speaking Roma / Gypsy cultural education / ethnic education.
aBefore 2016/2017 school year special vocational schools.
bBefore 2016/2017 school year vocational schools, from 2016/2017 to 2019/2020 school years secondary vocational schools.
cBefore 2016/2017 school year secondary vocational schools, from 2016/2017 to 2019/2020 school years vocational grammar schools.
dStudents studying in supplementary nationality educational institutions were classified according to grades.
Source: Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Culture and Innovation