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Organisational units under the control of the Deputy President supervising the Statistics Directorate

Gábor Valkó Dr.

Office of the Deputy President for Statistics

András Borbély
  • András Borbély
  • Head of Department
  • Telephone: +36 1 345 1279
  • Postal address: 1525 Budapest, Pf. 51.
  • E-mail: Andras.Borbely@ksh.hu



Tasks of the Office of the Deputy President for Statistics


Data Collection Coordination Section
Marcell Nagy Head of Section +36 88 620 248 E-mail

Data Department

Hajnalka Bertók
  • Hajnalka Bertók
  • Head of Department
  • Telephone: +36 1 345 1173
  • Postal address: 1525 Budapest, Pf. 51.
  • E-mail: Hajnalka.Bertok@ksh.hu



Tasks of the Data Department


Data Source Coordination Section
Head of Section
Database Development and Data Processing Section
Mónika Petrohai Borisszáné Head of Section +36 1 345 6549 E-mail
Territorial Statistics Section
Attila Schinkovits Head of Section +36 1 345 1123 E-mail

Demographic Statistics Department

Marcell Kovács
  • Marcell Kovács
  • Head of Department
  • Telephone: +36 1 345 6309
  • Postal address: 1525 Budapest, Pf. 51.
  • E-mail: Marcell.Kovacs@ksh.hu



Tasks of the Demographic Statistics Department


Census Section
Matyas Lajtai Head of Section +36 1 345 1108 E-mail
Demographic Statistics Section
Dávid Péter Kelemen Head of Section E-mail
Housing Statistics Section
Gáborné Székely Head of Section +36 1 345 6661 E-mail
Migration Statistics Section
Ferenc Urbán Head of Section +36 1 345 6271 E-mail
Vital Statistics Section
Anita Katzer Head of Section +36 88 620 252 E-mail

External Trade Statistics Department

Zsolt Kovalszky
  • Zsolt Kovalszky
  • Head of Department
  • Telephone: +36 1 345 6820
  • Postal address: 1525 Budapest, Pf. 51.
  • E-mail: Zsolt.Kovalszky@ksh.hu



Tasks of the External Trade Statistics Department


External Trade in Goods Section
Attila Morva Head of Section +36 1 345 6634 E-mail
External Trade in Services Section
Oláhné Gyurics Evelin Head of Section +36 1 345 6673 E-mail
External Trade Prices Section
Head of Section

Household Surveys Data Collection Department

Zsombor János Mazán
  • Zsombor János Mazán
  • Head of Department
  • Telephone: +36 1 345 1244
  • Postal address: 1525 Budapest, Pf. 51.
  • E-mail: Zsombor.Mazan@ksh.hu



Tasks of the Household Surveys Data Collection Department


Professional Training Section
József Ákos Papdi Head of Section +36 52 529 866 E-mail
Residental Data Collection Management Section
Klaudia Jakab Head of Section E-mail

National Accounts Department

Tímea Cseh Dr.



Tasks of the National Accounts Department


Annual Accounts Section
Gábor Kovács Head of Section +36 1 345 6027 E-mail
Consumer Prices Section
Imre Gajzágó Head of Section E-mail
Government and Non-profit Sector Accounts Section
Richárd Attila Sárkány Head of Section +36 1 345 6966 E-mail
Input-Output Table (IOT) Section
Éva Varga Head of Section +36 1 345 6335 E-mail
Quarterly and Sector Accounts Section
Máté Mogyorósi Head of Section +36 1 345 1176 E-mail

Natural Resources Statistics Department

Zsolt Andrási
  • Zsolt Andrási
  • Head of Department
  • Telephone: +36 1 345 6885
  • Postal address: 1525 Budapest, Pf. 51.
  • E-mail: Zsolt.Andrasi@ksh.hu



Tasks of the Natural Resources Statistics Department


Agriculture Accounts Section
Szabolcs Szilágyi Head of Section +36 1 345 6584 E-mail
Agricultural Farm Structure Section
Péter Tóth Head of Section +36 1 345 6705 E-mail
Animal Production Statistics Section
Tünde Nagy Horváthné Head of Section +36 1 487 4412 E-mail
Crop Production Statistics Section
Anikó Antal Bányayné Head of Section +36 52 529 850 E-mail
Environment and Energy Statistics Section
Gábor Szilágyi Head of Section +36 1 345 6913 E-mail

Public Services Statistics Department

Katalin Janák
  • Katalin Janák
  • Head of Department
  • Telephone: +36 1 345 6745
  • Postal address: 1525 Budapest, Pf. 51.
  • E-mail: Katalin.Janak@ksh.hu



Tasks of the Public Services Statistics Department


Crime and Nonprofit Statistics Section
Endre Kovács Head of Section +36 62 623 830 E-mail
Education, Culture and Time Use Statistics Section
Boros István Head of Section +36 1 345 6329 E-mail
Health Statistics Section
Erzsébet Stokker Pásztorné Head of Section E-mail
Social Statistics Section
Anita Balka-Szücs Head of Section +36 1 345 6972 E-mail

Quality of Life Statistics Department

Roland Kadlecsik



Tasks of the Quality of Life Statistics Department

Earnings Statistics Section
Katalin Ilona Zsámboki Head of Section E-mail
Employment Statistics Section
Réka Bárkai Head of Section E-mail
Living Standard Statistics Section
Krisztina Kollár Head of Section +36 1 345 6732 E-mail

Services Statistics Department

Klaudia Bella Máténé Dr.
  • Klaudia Bella Máténé Dr.
  • Head of Department
  • Postal address: 1525 Budapest, Pf. 51.
  • E-mail: Klaudia.Bella@ksh.hu



Tasks of the Services Statistics Department


Internal Trade Statistics Section
Ábel Czékus Dr. Head of Section +36 1 345 6626 E-mail
Research-Development and Information Statistics Section
Virág Tóthné Kiss Head of Section E-mail
Tourism and Transport Statistics Section
Mónika Noll Head of Section +36 72 533 378 E-mail

Short-term Statistics Department

Adrienn Szép Szöllősiné
  • Adrienn Szép Szöllősiné
  • Head of Department
  • Telephone: +36 1 345 1198
  • Postal address: 1525 Budapest, Pf. 51.
  • E-mail: Adrienn.Szep@ksh.hu



Tasks of the Short-term Statistics Department


Industrial and Services Prices Section
Gergely Bozsó Head of Section E-mail
Short-term Statistics of Construction and Services Section
Ruff Ferenc Head of Section +36 1 345 6874 E-mail
Short-term Statistics of Industry Section
Andrea Kovács Head of Section +36 52 529 856 E-mail

Structural Business Statistics Department

Gilyán Csaba
  • Csaba Gilyán
  • Head of Department
  • Telephone: +36 1 345 6625
  • Postal address: 1525 Budapest, Pf. 51.
  • E-mail: Csaba.Gilyan@ksh.hu



Tasks of the Structural Business Statistics Department


Global Business Operations and Large Cases Unit Section
Ferenc László Dienes Head of Section E-mail
Investment Statistics Section
Norbert Liszkai Head of Section E-mail
Register section
András Pinkasz Head of Section +36 1 345 6909 E-mail
Structural Business Statistics Section
Tibor Kocsis Head of Section +36 1 345 1164 E-mail