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Press release, 18.12.2023.

The statistical office of the future is built on a century and a half of tradition and experience

In the fast-changing world of the 21st century, the greatest asset is data. The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) has been fulfilling its role as an information service provider for more than 150 years, as the responsible data manager in Hungary, with a strong focus on user needs and expectations. In the digital age, the availability of vast amounts of data represents a new opportunity for official statistics. Active participation in data governance helps to reduce duplication and increase efficiency. The innovative integration of alternative and administrative data sources, artificial intelligence and machine learning in data production, in addition to supporting traditional statistical production, allows ample scope for experimental statistics, but also for near real-time data delivery, significantly reducing time to market. Historical commitment to progress, expertise and continuous innovation make the HCSO one of the best statistical offices in the European Union and an information centre for the Carpathian Basin.



Hungarian Central Statistical Office

H-1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 5-7. Tel./Phone: (+36-1) 345-6000
Postacím/Postal address: P.O.Box 51 Budapest H-1525