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Press release, 27.10.2023.

The President of HCSO receives an honourable invitation from the President of Hungary

Katalin Novák, President of the Republic of Hungary, has established the Demographic Roundtable, and Dr. Áron Kincses, President of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO), has been invited as a permanent member. The President of HCSO is pleased to comply with this honourable request.

The Demographic Roundtable has been set up as a consultative and proposing forum based on co-operation between representatives of the public and civil sectors as well as the academia. Europe is facing historic demographic challenges, and while Hungary is leading the way in tackling these challenges, further effective measures are needed to achieve the demographic turnaround.

The President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the President of the Hungarian State Treasury, the President of the National Bank of Hungary, the Rector of the National University of Public Service, the Director General of Heim Pál National Paediatric Institute and the President of the Federation of Towns with County Rank are among the permanent members of the Demographic Roundtable.

Decision of the President of the Republic No. 232/2023 (X. 25.) KE: https://magyarkozlony.hu/


Hungarian Central Statistical Office

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