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Tasks of the Communication Department

Communication Department


Tasks of the Communication Department:

1. managing and implementing the coherent and coordinated external communication of the HCSO;
2. proposing and implementing the external communication strategy of the HCSO, and to regulate external communication activities;
3. to carry responsibility for the development and implementation of a professional programme for the development of the statistical culture of the HCSO;
4. developing and improving the HCSO's image and publication tools;
5. to carry responsibility for the appropriate dissemination of messages, content and press releases to the public and for updating the list of users receiving publications in collaboration with the User Relations Department;
6. ensuring communication with a wide range of users, data providers, priority user groups;
7. liaising with the media, acting as press spokesperson, organising press events, electronic press monitoring and evaluating press releases;
8. coordinating press statements by employees entitled to make a statement, managing press appearances by managers, and esetablishing the course of informing the public;
9. preparing and keeping records of senior managers' appearances at conferences and forums, keeping records of the presentations and briefings given there and ensures their publication;
10.  organising the electronic archiving of press material relating to the activities of the HCSO and keeping the press register;
11.  planning, organising and implementing communication campaigns related to the activities of the HCSO;
12.  promoting the use of statistics, participating in the design of products and services to meet the needs of users;
13.  contributing to the development of the most appropriate data and analyses formats published by the HCSO for various target groups;
14.  facilitating the communication of information on the evolution of social, economic and environmental phenomena and processes presented by the data;
15.  operating the social media interfaces of the HCSO, coordinating the production of content;
16.  organising events, press breakfasts, press conferences for HCSO and supporting HCSO's participation in events organised by other organisations.