Period, quarters Staff groups Total Of which:
manual non-manual unknown managers and armed forces occupations professionals technicians and associate professionals office and management (customer service) occupations commercial and services occupations agricultural and forestry occupations industry and construction industry occupations machine operators, assembly workers, drivers of vehicles (elementary) occupations not requiring qualifications
Average gross earnings, HUF
2020 Q1 275,822 468,954 226,150 372,957 613,114 536,025 401,828 327,752 293,348 248,421 323,110 322,500 202,916
Q1–2 280,196 480,983 234,435 382,981 623,727 545,335 416,556 335,339 304,533 253,387 325,363 326,874 204,011
Q1–3 281,767 479,533 242,163 383,064 621,500 545,959 413,709 335,728 305,312 254,590 328,526 329,772 204,887
Q1–4 287,754 490,133 250,442 391,194 635,346 558,926 423,102 342,811 308,544 260,306 336,947 340,302 208,768
2021 Q1 294,443 516,546 266,983 407,981 667,415 603,142 435,136 351,902 308,141 262,971 349,011 346,350 216,306
Q1–2 300,857 525,824 275,466 415,757 682,302 613,621 443,711 357,213 315,375 268,903 355,562 355,794 220,718
Q1–3 302,709 525,073 281,789 416,207 676,792 613,249 445,015 358,664 317,764 271,812 357,678 357,071 222,855
Q1–4 308,754 538,171 302,153 425,915 693,722 628,976 456,964 367,574 323,918 278,685 365,795 365,877 226,739
2022 Q1 365,593 613,587 367,381 492,493 765,840 698,246 517,343 415,265 472,520 303,766 398,382 396,414 253,394
Q1–2 359,988 614,018 386,285 489,949 778,720 707,997 518,786 416,916 420,979 312,373 405,596 407,745 259,293
Q1–3 360,441 610,324 393,666 488,488 768,937 707,834 518,600 418,815 406,656 316,650 410,553 413,413 263,138
Q1–4 368,618 624,244 399,419 499,980 784,449 724,664 532,195 431,164 407,792 326,925 422,788 427,196 270,212
2023 Q1 403,586 676,377 434,061 545,743 847,258 790,894 568,847 478,351 414,382 361,246 474,801 471,572 306,530
Q1–2 411,697 690,283 442,655 556,724 870,634 804,652 581,720 484,512 423,806 371,047 483,737 482,924 311,528
Q1–3 413,024 689,688 452,588 557,033 861,787 804,623 585,424 484,557 426,073 374,053 485,113 483,054 313,127
Q1–4 422,530 707,751 463,789 571,182 883,323 825,650 602,256 496,976 435,747 385,482 496,822 494,997 320,173
2024 Q1 456,992 772,585 424,458 623,009 956,217 908,848 650,054 541,053 472,743 415,869 537,597 531,327 348,278
Q1–2 464,786 787,902 442,948 634,755 982,508 923,444 666,280 546,661 482,452 422,565 546,515 541,805 352,898
Q1–3 465,754 784,450 450,619 633,496 972,646 920,795 666,961 545,958 483,526 424,613 547,513 542,469 354,120
Q1–4 473,560 802,218 467,575 646,801 996,730 941,842 682,266 557,044 491,028 435,392 557,657 553,587 359,469
Corresponding period of the previous year = 100.0%
2020 Q1 109.5 108.5 85.8 109.2 107.7 108.0 110.2 109.0 111.0 110.7 109.4 109.1 110.4
Q1–2 108.7 109.3 84.9 110.0 107.1 108.2 112.0 109.6 112.9 110.3 107.9 107.4 108.9
Q1–3 108.4 109.3 86.0 109.8 108.1 108.5 110.7 109.4 112.3 109.6 108.4 107.7 107.8
Q1–4 108.7 109.1 84.3 109.8 108.1 108.5 110.4 109.0 109.8 109.2 108.9 108.7 108.2
2021 Q1 106.8 110.1 118.1 109.4 108.9 112.5 108.3 107.4 105.0 105.9 108.0 107.4 106.6
Q1–2 107.4 109.3 117.5 108.6 109.4 112.5 106.5 106.5 103.6 106.1 109.3 108.8 108.2
Q1–3 107.4 109.5 116.4 108.7 108.9 112.3 107.6 106.8 104.1 106.8 108.9 108.3 108.8
Q1–4 107.3 109.8 120.6 108.9 109.2 112.5 108.0 107.2 105.0 107.1 108.6 107.5 108.6
2022 Q1 124.2 118.8 137.6 120.7 114.7 115.8 118.9 118.0 153.3 115.5 114.1 114.5 117.1
Q1–2 119.7 116.8 140.2 117.8 114.1 115.4 116.9 116.7 133.5 116.2 114.1 114.6 117.5
Q1–3 119.1 116.2 139.7 117.4 113.6 115.4 116.5 116.8 128.0 116.5 114.8 115.8 118.1
Q1–4 119.4 116.0 132.2 117.4 113.1 115.2 116.5 117.3 125.9 117.3 115.6 116.8 119.2
2023 Q1 110.4 110.2 118.2 110.8 110.6 113.3 110.0 115.2 87.7 118.9 119.2 119.0 121.0
Q1–2 114.4 112.4 114.6 113.6 111.8 113.7 112.1 116.2 100.7 118.8 119.3 118.4 120.1
Q1–3 114.6 113.0 115.0 114.0 112.1 113.7 112.9 115.7 104.8 118.1 118.2 116.8 119.0
Q1–4 114.6 113.4 116.1 114.2 112.6 113.9 113.2 115.3 106.9 117.9 117.5 115.9 118.5
2024 Q1 113.2 114.2 97.8 114.2 112.9 114.9 114.3 113.1 114.1 115.1 113.2 112.7 113.6
Q1–2 112.9 114.1 100.1 114.0 112.8 114.8 114.5 112.8 113.8 113.9 113.0 112.2 113.3
Q1–3 112.8 113.7 99.6 113.7 112.9 114.4 113.9 112.7 113.5 113.5 112.9 112.3 113.1
Q1–4 112.1 113.3 100.8 113.2 112.8 114.1 113.3 112.1 112.7 112.9 112.2 111.8 112.3


*Full circle of enterprises with employees, budgetary institutions and non-profit organisations. Source of data: Institutional labour-statistical data collection system (as of 2019 data taken over from administrative sources).
Source: Hungarian State Treasury; National Tax and Customs Administration.