4.1.18. Production and use of main vegetables (2014–)(17/18)

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Denomination Sweet corn
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Characteristics of production
Harvested area, hectare 32 381 36 408 36 623 37 319 36 970
Total harvested production, ton 478 992 502 305 517 779 515 099 483 489
Average yield, kilogram/hectarea 14 550 13 780 14 140 13 660 12 930
Average procurement price, HUF per ton 38 37 41 36 40
Average market price, HUF per kilogram 412 389 410 481 617
Value of gross production, million HUF
at current prices 21 294 20 891 22 883 26 467 29 232
at constant pricesc 22 544 22 102 22 278 22 872 25 716
Producers' balance sheet, tons
Total harvested production 478 992 502 305 517 779 515 099 483 489
Purchasing and other sources 4 261 600 1 110 1 182 115
Total resource 483 253 502 905 518 889 516 281 483 604
Total sale 461 157 496 534 506 279 502 343 470 933
Of which:
procurement, processors 264 116 306 119 309 296 281 477 244 932
peasants' market 8 295 7 310 10 441 17 419 16 722
direct exports 6 867 142 835 2 072 1 823
Processing and use within farmd 11 229 1 541 2 214 3 667 740
Consumption from own production 8 708 3 142 7 924 9 806 9 761
Storage loss 2 254 1 188 2 855 1 348 1 565
Changes in stocks -96 502 -384 -883 604
Total use 483 253 502 905 518 889 516 281 483 604
External trade
ton 1 191 418 233 3 943 52
million HUF 60 34 49 126 27
ton 5 712 4 674 5 163 5 083 3 413
million HUF 640 674 724 644 583
aSee Methodological notes.  cAt previous year's prices.  dPreservation for own consumption of households is included. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011