Code | Transactions and balancing items | Total | Goods and services (resources) | Rest of the world | Total economy | NPISHs | Households | General government | Financial corporations | Non-financial corporations | Non-sectorized | Non-sectorized | Non-financial corporations | Financial corporations | General government | Households | NPISHs | Total economy | Rest of the world | Goods and services (uses) | Total |
S.1+S.2 | S.2 | S.1 | S.15 | S.14 | S.13 | S.12 | S.11 | S.1N | S.1N | S.11 | S.12 | S.13 | S.14 | S.15 | S.1 | S.2 | S.1+S.2 | ||||
USES | RESOURCES | ||||||||||||||||||||
I. Production account / External account of goods and services | |||||||||||||||||||||
P.7 | Imports of goods and services | 13,485,960 | 13,485,960 | 13,485,960 | 13,485,960 | ||||||||||||||||
P.71 | Imports of goods | 11,584,840 | 11,584,840 | 11,584,840 | 11,584,840 | ||||||||||||||||
P.72 | Imports of services | 1,901,120 | 1,901,120 | 1,901,120 | 1,901,120 | ||||||||||||||||
P.6 | Exports of goods and services | 12,573,628 | 12,573,628 | 12,573,628 | 12,573,628 | ||||||||||||||||
P.61 | Exports of goods | 10,509,632 | 10,509,632 | 10,509,632 | 10,509,632 | ||||||||||||||||
P.62 | Exports of services | 2,063,996 | 2,063,996 | 2,063,996 | 2,063,996 | ||||||||||||||||
P.1 | Output | 41,388,773 | 41,388,773 | 29,418,753 | 1,254,803 | 4,662,208 | 5,627,147 | 425,862 | 41,388,773 | 41,388,773 | |||||||||||
P.11 | Market output | 34,425,833 | 34,425,833 | 29,044,492 | 1,249,547 | 49,039 | 4,082,755 | 34,425,833 | 34,425,833 | ||||||||||||
P.12 | Output for own final use | 2,000,595 | 2,000,595 | 374,261 | 5,256 | 69,859 | 1,544,392 | 6,827 | 2,000,595 | 2,000,595 | |||||||||||
P.13 | Non-market output | 4,962,345 | 4,962,345 | 4,543,310 | 419,035 | 4,962,345 | 4,962,345 | ||||||||||||||
P.2 | Intermediate consumption | 23,317,534 | 23,317,534 | 222,039 | 1,995,010 | 1,340,657 | 609,707 | 19,150,121 | 23,317,534 | 23,317,534 | |||||||||||
D.21–D.31 | Taxes less subsidies on products | 3,038,820 | 3,038,820 | 3,038,820 | 3,038,820 | 3,038,820 | |||||||||||||||
B.1g | Value added, gross / GDPa | 21,110,059 | 21,110,059 | 203,823 | 3,632,137 | 3,321,551 | 645,096 | 10,268,632 | 3,038,820 | ||||||||||||
P.51c | Consumption of fixed capital | 3,336,293 | 3,336,293 | 47,149 | 610,035 | 720,381 | 69,042 | 1,889,686 | |||||||||||||
B.1n | Value added, net / NDP | 17,773,766 | 17,773,766 | 156,674 | 3,022,102 | 2,601,170 | 576,054 | 8,378,946 | 3,038,820 | ||||||||||||
B.11 | External balance of goods and services | 912,332 | 912,332 | ||||||||||||||||||
II.1.1. Generation of income account | |||||||||||||||||||||
B.1g | Value added, gross / GDPa | 3,038,820 | 10,268,632 | 645,096 | 3,321,551 | 3,632,137 | 203,823 | 21,110,059 | 21,110,059 | ||||||||||||
B.1n | Value added, net / NDP | 3,038,820 | 8,378,946 | 576,054 | 2,601,170 | 3,022,102 | 156,674 | 17,773,766 | 17,773,766 | ||||||||||||
B.11 | External balance of goods and services | 912,332 | 912,332 | ||||||||||||||||||
D.1 | Compensation of employees | 9,587,323 | 9,587,323 | 156,974 | 458,130 | 2,614,667 | 338,431 | 6,019,121 | |||||||||||||
D.11 | Wages and salaries | 7,499,764 | 7,499,764 | 119,546 | 416,279 | 1,933,774 | 243,135 | 4,787,030 | |||||||||||||
D.12 | Employers' social contributions | 2,087,559 | 2,087,559 | 37,428 | 41,851 | 680,893 | 95,296 | 1,232,091 | |||||||||||||
D.2–D.3 | Taxes less subsidies on production and imports | 2,973,624 | 2,973,624 | -300 | -31,778 | 0 | 5,849 | -38,967 | 3,038,820 | ||||||||||||
D.21 | Taxes on products | 3,239,400 | 3,239,400 | 3,239,400 | |||||||||||||||||
D.29 | Other taxes on production | 141,583 | 141,583 | 201 | 16,694 | 0 | 5,871 | 118,817 | |||||||||||||
D.31 | Subsidies on products | 200,580 | 200,580 | 200,580 | |||||||||||||||||
D.39 | Other subsidies on production | 206,779 | 206,779 | 501 | 48,472 | 0 | 22 | 157,784 | |||||||||||||
B.2g | Operating surplus, gross | 6,307,123 | 6,307,123 | 47,149 | 963,796 | 706,884 | 300,816 | 4,288,478 | 0 | ||||||||||||
B.2n | Operating surplus, net | 3,187,662 | 3,187,662 | 0 | 570,593 | -13,497 | 231,774 | 2,398,792 | 0 | ||||||||||||
B.3g | Mixed income, gross | 2,241,989 | 2,241,989 | 2,241,989 | |||||||||||||||||
B.3n | Mixed income, net | 2,025,157 | 2,025,157 | 2,025,157 | |||||||||||||||||
II.1.2. Allocation of primary income account | |||||||||||||||||||||
B.2g | Operating surplus, gross | 0 | 4,288,478 | 300,816 | 706,884 | 963,796 | 47,149 | 6,307,123 | 6,307,123 | ||||||||||||
B.2n | Operating surplus, net | 0 | 2,398,792 | 231,774 | -13,497 | 570,593 | 0 | 3,187,662 | 3,187,662 | ||||||||||||
B.3g | Mixed income, gross | 2,241,989 | 2,241,989 | 2,241,989 | |||||||||||||||||
B.3n | Mixed income, net | 2,025,157 | 2,025,157 | 2,025,157 | |||||||||||||||||
D.1 | Compensation of employees | 117,226 | 117,226 | 9,597,833 | 9,597,833 | 106,716 | 9,704,549 | ||||||||||||||
D.11 | Wages and salaries | 101,097 | 101,097 | 7,504,551 | 7,504,551 | 96,310 | 7,600,861 | ||||||||||||||
D.12 | Employers' social contributions | 16,129 | 16,129 | 2,093,282 | 2,093,282 | 10,406 | 2,103,688 | ||||||||||||||
D.2–D.3 | Taxes less subsidies on production and imports | 3,034,970 | 3,034,970 | -61,346 | 2,973,624 | ||||||||||||||||
D.21–D.31 | Taxes less subsidies on products | 3,020,479 | 3,020,479 | 18,341 | 3,038,820 | ||||||||||||||||
D.29–D.39 | Other taxes less subsidies on production | 14,491 | 14,491 | -79,687 | -65,196 | ||||||||||||||||
D.4 | Property income | 5,689,148 | 363,462 | 5,325,686 | 1,641 | 301,935 | 913,812 | 1,822,547 | 2,285,751 | 809,760 | 1,703,403 | 242,675 | 1,190,897 | 17,311 | 3,964,046 | 1,725,102 | 5,689,148 | ||||
B.5g | Balance of primary incomes, gross (National income, gross, GNI) | 19,820,275 | 19,820,275 | 62,819 | 13,692,580 | 3,070,717 | 181,672 | 2,812,487 | 0 | ||||||||||||
B.5n | Balance of primary incomes, net (National income, net, NNI) | 16,483,982 | 16,483,982 | 15,670 | 13,082,545 | 2,350,336 | 112,630 | 922,801 | 0 | ||||||||||||
II.2. Secondary distribution of income account | |||||||||||||||||||||
B.5g | Balance of primary incomes, gross (National income, gross, GNI) | 0 | 2,812,487 | 181,672 | 3,070,717 | 13,692,580 | 62,819 | 19,820,275 | 19,820,275 | ||||||||||||
B.5n | Balance of primary incomes, net (National income, net, NNI) | 0 | 922,801 | 112,630 | 2,350,336 | 13,082,545 | 15,670 | 16,483,982 | 16,483,982 | ||||||||||||
D.5 | Current taxes on income, wealth | 1,871,845 | 5,583 | 1,866,262 | 1,428,224 | 122 | 69,963 | 367,953 | 1,850,618 | 1,850,618 | 21,227 | 1,871,845 | |||||||||
D.61 | Net social contributions | 2,999,186 | 14,593 | 2,984,593 | 2,984,593 | 31,673 | 378,948 | 2,559,260 | 0 | 2,969,881 | 29,305 | 2,999,186 | |||||||||
D.62 | Social benefits other than social transfers in kind | 2,990,291 | 4,223 | 2,986,068 | 15,464 | 2,884,307 | 53,755 | 32,542 | 2,984,107 | 2,984,107 | 6,184 | 2,990,291 | |||||||||
D.7 | Other current transfers | 1,881,255 | 309,749 | 1,571,506 | 20,158 | 360,613 | 481,308 | 244,945 | 464,482 | 407,731 | 232,148 | 161,454 | 409,717 | 308,114 | 1,519,164 | 362,091 | 1,881,255 | ||||
B.6g | Disposable income, gross | 19,735,616 | 19,735,616 | 335,311 | 12,312,974 | 4,276,312 | 424,105 | 2,386,914 | 0 | ||||||||||||
B.6n | Disposable income, net | 16,399,323 | 16,399,323 | 288,162 | 11,702,939 | 3,555,931 | 355,063 | 497,228 | 0 | ||||||||||||
II.3. Redistribution of income in kind account | |||||||||||||||||||||
B.6g | Disposable income, gross | 0 | 2,386,914 | 424,105 | 4,276,312 | 12,312,974 | 335,311 | 19,735,616 | 19,735,616 | ||||||||||||
B.6n | Disposable income, net | 0 | 497,228 | 355,063 | 3,555,931 | 11,702,939 | 288,162 | 16,399,323 | 16,399,323 | ||||||||||||
D.63 | Social transfers in kind | 2,821,457 | 2,821,457 | 323,429 | 2,498,028 | 2,821,457 | 2,821,457 | 2,821,457 | |||||||||||||
B.7g | Adjusted disposable income, gross | 19,735,616 | 19,735,616 | 11,882 | 15,134,431 | 1,778,284 | 424,105 | 2,386,914 | 0 | ||||||||||||
B.7n | Adjusted disposable income, net | 16,399,323 | 16,399,323 | -35,267 | 14,524,396 | 1,057,903 | 355,063 | 497,228 | 0 | ||||||||||||
II.4. Use of income account | |||||||||||||||||||||
B.6g | Disposable income, gross | 0 | 2,386,914 | 424,105 | 4,276,312 | 12,312,974 | 335,311 | 19,735,616 | 19,735,616 | ||||||||||||
B.6n | Disposable income, net | 0 | 497,228 | 355,063 | 3,555,931 | 11,702,939 | 288,162 | 16,399,323 | 16,399,323 | ||||||||||||
P.4 | Actual final consumption | 16,241,409 | 16,241,409 | 14,090,608 | 2,150,801 | 16,241,409 | 16,241,409 | ||||||||||||||
P.3 | Final consumption expenditure | 16,241,409 | 16,241,409 | 323,429 | 11,269,151 | 4,648,829 | 16,241,409 | 16,241,409 | |||||||||||||
D.8 | Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements | 325,193 | 325,193 | 325,193 | 325,193 | 325,193 | 325,193 | ||||||||||||||
B.8g | Saving, gross | 3,494,207 | 3,494,207 | 11,882 | 1,369,016 | -372,517 | 98,912 | 2,386,914 | 0 | ||||||||||||
B.8n | Saving, net | 157,914 | 157,914 | -35,267 | 758,981 | -1,092,898 | 29,870 | 497,228 | 0 | ||||||||||||
B.12 | Current external balance | 2,286,775 | 2,286,775 | ||||||||||||||||||
III.1. Capital account | |||||||||||||||||||||
B.8g | Saving, gross | 0 | 2,386,914 | 98,912 | -372,517 | 1,369,016 | 11,882 | 3,494,207 | 3,494,207 | ||||||||||||
B.8n | Saving, net | 0 | 497,228 | 29,870 | -1,092,898 | 758,981 | -35,267 | 157,914 | 157,914 | ||||||||||||
B.12 | Current external balance | 2,286,775 | 2,286,775 | ||||||||||||||||||
P.51g | Gross fixed capital formation | 5,074,959 | 5,074,959 | 36,237 | 1,310,172 | 800,146 | 93,739 | 2,834,665 | 5,074,959 | 5,074,959 | |||||||||||
P.52 | Changes in inventories | 683,009 | 683,009 | 13,214 | 958 | 668,837 | 683,009 | 683,009 | |||||||||||||
P.53 | Acquisitions less disposals of valuables | 23,014 | 23,014 | 0 | 6,251 | 182 | .. | 16,581 | 23,014 | 23,014 | |||||||||||
P.51c | Consumption of fixed capital | -3,336,293 | -3,336,293 | -47,149 | -610,035 | -720,381 | -69,042 | -1,889,686 | |||||||||||||
NP | Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets | -23,396 | 23,396 | 17,901 | -26,401 | 0 | 30,859 | ||||||||||||||
D.9 | Capital transfers, receivable (+) | 220,795 | 6,049 | 90,466 | 105,557 | 48,736 | 471,603 | 18,360 | 489,963 | ||||||||||||
D.9 | Capital transfers, payable (–) | 43,724 | 3,680 | 334,344 | 25,705 | 22,984 | 430,437 | 59,526 | 489,963 | ||||||||||||
B.9 | Net lending(+) / net borrowing(–)b | 0 | 2,269,005 | -2,269,005 | 1,397 | 101,330 | -1,391,280 | 6,505 | -986,957 | 0 | |||||||||||
III.2. Financial accountc | |||||||||||||||||||||
B.9 | Net lending(+) / net borrowing(–) | -1,213,966 | -70,231 | -1,422,335 | 555,246 | 6,734 | -2,144,552 | 2,144,552 | 0 |
a | The sum of gross values added of all sectors plus the net taxes on products together corresponds to the gross value added of the total economy (GDP). |
b | Concept of net lending / net borrowing used by NBH is equal one used by HCSO. |
c | Source: National Bank of Hungary (NBH). Data of non-consolidated transaction including data of special purpose entities (SPEs). Data of Eximbank ZRT. are included in the General Government sector. |