Code Transactions and balancing items Total Goods and services (resources) Rest of the world Total economy NPISHs Households General government Financial corporations Non-financial corporations Non-sectorized Non-sectorized Non-financial corporations Financial corporations General government Households NPISHs Total economy Rest of the world Goods and services (uses) Total
S.1+S.2 S.2 S.1 S.15 S.14 S.13 S.12 S.11 S.1N S.1N S.11 S.12 S.13 S.14 S.15 S.1 S.2 S.1+S.2
I. Production account / External account of goods and services
P.7 Imports of goods and services 34,494,689 34,494,689 34,494,689 34,494,689
P.71 Imports of goods 28,969,434 28,969,434 28,969,434 28,969,434
P.72 Imports of services 5,525,255 5,525,255 5,525,255 5,525,255
P.6 Exports of goods and services 36,338,676 36,338,676 36,338,676 36,338,676
P.61 Exports of goods 28,233,865 28,233,865 28,233,865 28,233,865
P.62 Exports of services 8,104,811 8,104,811 8,104,811 8,104,811
P.1 Output 85,144,702 85,144,702 63,280,204 2,214,160 9,600,368 8,980,311 1,069,659 85,144,702 85,144,702
P.11 Market output 70,159,847 70,159,847 62,255,211 2,201,075 21,035 5,682,526 70,159,847 70,159,847
P.12 Output for own final use 4,529,013 4,529,013 1,024,993 13,085 185,964 3,297,785 7,186 4,529,013 4,529,013
P.13 Non-market output 10,455,842 10,455,842 9,393,369 1,062,473 10,455,842 10,455,842
P.2 Intermediate consumption 48,502,536 48,502,536 515,247 2,397,797 3,553,927 982,589 41,052,976 48,502,536 48,502,536
D.21–D.31 Taxes less subsidies on products 6,744,544 6,744,544 6,744,544 6,744,544 6,744,544
B.1g Value added, gross / GDPa 43,386,710 43,386,710 554,412 6,582,514 6,046,441 1,231,571 22,227,228 6,744,544
P.51c Consumption of fixed capital 6,841,104 6,841,104 95,661 1,119,794 1,508,198 114,748 4,002,703
B.1n Value added, net / NDP 36,545,606 36,545,606 458,751 5,462,720 4,538,243 1,116,823 18,224,525 6,744,544
B.11 External balance of goods and services -1,843,987 -1,843,987
II.1.1. Generation of income account
B.1g Value added, gross / GDPa 6,744,544 22,227,228 1,231,571 6,046,441 6,582,514 554,412 43,386,710 43,386,710
B.1n Value added, net / NDP 6,744,544 18,224,525 1,116,823 4,538,243 5,462,720 458,751 36,545,606 36,545,606
B.11 External balance of goods and services -1,843,987 -1,843,987
D.1 Compensation of employees 18,300,194 18,300,194 493,983 597,008 4,536,028 657,931 12,015,244
D.11 Wages and salaries 15,437,161 15,437,161 422,162 547,344 3,779,326 511,773 10,176,556
D.12 Employers' social contributions 2,863,033 2,863,033 71,821 49,664 756,702 146,158 1,838,688
D.2–D.3 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports 6,826,554 6,826,554 -35,232 -118,083 2,215 87,606 145,504 6,744,544
D.21 Taxes on products 7,067,224 7,067,224 7,067,224
D.29 Other taxes on production 838,415 838,415 905 154,020 33,018 90,198 560,274
D.31 Subsidies on products 322,680 322,680 322,680
D.39 Other subsidies on production 756,405 756,405 36,137 272,103 30,803 2,592 414,770
B.2g Operating surplus, gross 14,516,653 14,516,653 95,661 2,360,280 1,508,198 486,034 10,066,480 0
B.2n Operating surplus, net 8,040,723 8,040,723 0 1,605,660 0 371,286 6,063,777 0
B.3g Mixed income, gross 3,743,309 3,743,309 3,743,309
B.3n Mixed income, net 3,378,135 3,378,135 3,378,135
II.1.2. Allocation of primary income account
B.2g Operating surplus, gross 0 10,066,480 486,034 1,508,198 2,360,280 95,661 14,516,653 14,516,653
B.2n Operating surplus, net 0 6,063,777 371,286 0 1,605,660 0 8,040,723 8,040,723
B.3g Mixed income, gross 3,743,309 3,743,309 3,743,309
B.3n Mixed income, net 3,378,135 3,378,135 3,378,135
D.1 Compensation of employees 1,054,858 1,054,858 19,077,556 19,077,556 277,496 19,355,052
D.11 Wages and salaries 910,149 910,149 16,092,876 16,092,876 254,434 16,347,310
D.12 Employers' social contributions 144,709 144,709 2,984,680 2,984,680 23,062 3,007,742
D.2–D.3 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports 7,208,497 7,208,497 -381,943 6,826,554
D.21–D.31 Taxes less subsidies on products 6,747,704 6,747,704 -3,160 6,744,544
D.29–D.39 Other taxes less subsidies on production 460,793 460,793 -378,783 82,010
D.4 Property income 11,672,320 2,392,759 9,279,561 249 99,442 1,011,227 2,558,513 5,610,130 1,480,112 2,615,222 187,004 2,120,819 17,732 6,420,889 5,251,431 11,672,320
B.5g Balance of primary incomes, gross (National income, gross, GNI) 41,687,343 41,687,343 113,144 27,202,522 7,892,472 542,743 5,936,462 0
B.5n Balance of primary incomes, net (National income, net, NNI) 34,846,239 34,846,239 17,483 26,082,728 6,384,274 427,995 1,933,759 0
II.2. Secondary distribution of income account
B.5g Balance of primary incomes, gross (National income, gross, GNI) 0 5,936,462 542,743 7,892,472 27,202,522 113,144 41,687,343 41,687,343
B.5n Balance of primary incomes, net (National income, net, NNI) 0 1,933,759 427,995 6,384,274 26,082,728 17,483 34,846,239 34,846,239
D.5 Current taxes on income, wealth 3,066,684 16,956 3,049,728 2,473,544 1,959 54,632 519,593 2,856,929 2,856,929 209,755 3,066,684
D.61 Net social contributions 5,812,658 43,974 5,768,684 5,768,684 41,942 250,799 5,251,372 433 5,544,546 268,112 5,812,658
D.62 Social benefits other than social transfers in kind 5,152,157 54,276 5,097,881 13,746 4,904,583 137,511 42,041 5,133,482 5,133,482 18,675 5,152,157
D.7 Other current transfers 3,767,327 782,524 2,984,803 107,897 621,033 1,412,104 321,591 522,178 623,212 312,711 668,274 614,025 992,888 3,211,110 556,217 3,767,327
B.6g Disposable income, gross 41,532,314 41,532,314 984,822 24,086,768 10,350,401 592,519 5,517,804 0
B.6n Disposable income, net 34,691,210 34,691,210 889,161 22,966,974 8,842,203 477,771 1,515,101 0
II.3. Redistribution of income in kind account
B.6g Disposable income, gross 0 5,517,804 592,519 10,350,401 24,086,768 984,822 41,532,314 41,532,314
B.6n Disposable income, net 0 1,515,101 477,771 8,842,203 22,966,974 889,161 34,691,210 34,691,210
D.63 Social transfers in kind 4,897,028 4,897,028 860,618 4,036,410 4,897,028 4,897,028 4,897,028
B.7g Adjusted disposable income, gross 41,532,314 41,532,314 124,204 28,983,796 6,313,991 592,519 5,517,804 0
B.7n Adjusted disposable income, net 34,691,210 34,691,210 28,543 27,864,002 4,805,793 477,771 1,515,101 0
II.4. Use of income account
B.6g Disposable income, gross 0 5,517,804 592,519 10,350,401 24,086,768 984,822 41,532,314 41,532,314
B.6n Disposable income, net 0 1,515,101 477,771 8,842,203 22,966,974 889,161 34,691,210 34,691,210
P.4 Actual final consumption 29,911,095 29,911,095 25,403,549 4,507,546 29,911,095 29,911,095
P.3 Final consumption expenditure 29,911,095 29,911,095 860,618 20,506,521 8,543,956 29,911,095 29,911,095
D.8 Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements 113,288 113,288 113,288 113,288 113,288 113,288
B.8g Saving, gross 11,621,219 11,621,219 124,204 3,693,535 1,806,445 479,231 5,517,804 0
B.8n Saving, net 4,780,115 4,780,115 28,543 2,573,741 298,247 364,483 1,515,101 0
B.12 Current external balance 10,409 10,409
III.1. Capital account
B.8g Saving, gross 0 5,517,804 479,231 1,806,445 3,693,535 124,204 11,621,219 11,621,219
B.8n Saving, net 0 1,515,101 364,483 298,247 2,573,741 28,543 4,780,115 4,780,115
B.12 Current external balance 10,409 10,409
P.51g Gross fixed capital formation 10,729,930 10,729,930 187,066 1,624,746 2,513,951 152,743 6,251,424 10,729,930 10,729,930
P.52 Changes in inventories 832,225 832,225 12,021 41,677 778,527 832,225 832,225
P.53 Acquisitions less disposals of valuables 69,473 69,473 57 31,378 1,766 .. 36,272 69,473 69,473
P.51c Consumption of fixed capital -6,841,104 -6,841,104 -95,661 -1,119,794 -1,508,198 -114,748 -4,002,703
NP Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets 333,943 -333,943 -6,123 6,123 252 -334,195
D.9 Capital transfers, receivable (+) 416,879 24,642 583,209 228,677 237,593 1,491,000 98,955 1,589,955
D.9 Capital transfers, payable (–) 38,583 18,996 718,434 30,327 33,609 839,949 750,006 1,589,955
B.9 Net lending(+) / net borrowing(–)b 0 -974,585 974,585 141,065 2,229,863 -892,297 331,882 -835,928 0
III.2. Financial accountc
B.9 Net lending(+) / net borrowing(–) -1,543,066 -48,539 -886,163 2,713,129 108,400 343,761 -343,761 0


aThe sum of gross values added of all sectors plus the net taxes on products together corresponds to the gross value added of the total economy (GDP).
bConcept of net lending / net borrowing used by NBH is equal one used by HCSO.
cSource: National Bank of Hungary (NBH). Data of non-consolidated transaction including data of special purpose entities (SPEs). Data of Eximbank ZRT. are included in the General Government sector.